Introductions..... to everyone.

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My room was a small light blue room with grey carpet on the floor. There was a closet, a dresser, and a bed. On one wall there was a sliding glass door that led out to a place to look out over the whole city.  

I surveyed everything and turned back to the girl. "Thank you for your hospitality miss....." my words died for she had not yet told me her name. "Oh! Fee Heart" She laughed then continued. "my name is Fiona but you can call me Fee. I can't believe I forgot to tell u my name!" She pulled me by the arm "Hey come meet my babies!" She squealed with delight at the thought of introducing me to her goldfish. Could goldfish even be named? How would you tell them apart? But I let her drag me down stairs to each of her aquariums full of what looked to be 1 fish that someone sent through the copier about a billion times. She had a lot of fish. There were fish everywhere, yet every tank was clean and clear.

She named off names that were as ridiculous as Santa to as normal as Bubbles and each tank contained hiding plants and buildings for the fish to live in. This girl was fish crazy.  

It took her an hour to show me all her fish. She pulled me from room to room pointing at fishtanks and each gold fish and telling me its story and name. I listened. Not because I was I really cared about her thousands of goldfish but because her voice was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.  

Fee walked me back to the living room to find a brown haired darkly tanned girl. "Where fuck are my boxes!?" She squealed when she saw Fee. Fee leaned into me and whispered "That's my roommate Kendra." she turned to Kendra "Hello to you as well Kendra. If you would look around your boxes are right where you left them. So get your shit and get out of my house!" Kendra's eyes widened "Bitch!" she screamed and grabbed a pillow chucking it at me. I ducked to avoid a pillow in my face. Fee yelled in my defense. "Hey! Watch out for Matty!" without even looking at me she screeched "MATTY!? Who is Matty!!?"

Matthew and Sammy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now