erinn heaven brianna and aaniyah

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  • Dedicated to erinn

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Aaniyah: hey Erinn

Erinn: hey

brianna: what up

Jasmine: aye

Erinn: i broke up with diggy

brianna aaniyah and jasmine: what

Erinn: i found him cheating on me with another girl

Jasmine: what did you do?

Erinn i drop kicked her ass

Jasmine: was she putting on her vasline and stuff

Erinn: yup but i said i ain't got time for that so i drop kicked her down and i punched her and she knocked out like that

Aaniyah: yas boo

Brianna: yo i wish i was there

Erinn: nah she was out and then diggy was like sorry i was like sorry is a game and i didn't want his ass next to mine

Aaniyah: yas boo drop him down

Brianna: i bet he was crying

Erinn: i ain't with his dirty ass

Aaniyah: you are just like me

Jasmine: Aaniyah you would've kept on knocking her out when she was already knocked out.

Aaniyah: yeah i'm a baddie

brianna: but i am the baddest one

Aaniyah: girls be like am i bad or not. im bad

Erinn: how is you and your boo brianna

Brianna: we aight

Erinn: what bout you Jasmine

Jasmine: we good i am goin to sleep bye

brianna: same here

Erinn: i am gonna watch tv

Aaniyah" you is gonna be tired

Erinn: i do this everyday and sleep in the car calm down

Aaniyah: okay anyways bye

Erinn: bye

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