Jasmine house

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Jasmine: hey Erinn back

Erinn: yup

Brianna: how was your date

Erinn: perfect (looks at Myles)

Aaniyah: what is going on between you too.

Ashley: so first of all where y'all went and what did you do

Erinn: we went to Paris..

Aaniyah: (interrupts Erinn) does anyone notice that there is a ring on her finger

(Brianna and Aaniyah scream)

Erinn: dang y'all are just thirsty.

Jasmine: right

Kianna: do what happened.

Erinn: He came to pick me up. we were in a limo for two hours. got my own plane. went to Paris. He said some romantic stuff and that's it.

Brianna: aww

Aaniyah: yas boo yas

Heaven-lee: I am so happy for the both of you

Myles goes into the kitchen and Roc Royal follows

Roc Royal: dude how you do it

Myles: how do I do what

Roc Royal: you made her feel so special

Myles: well cause she is

Roc Royal: ok look anyways let's say there is a girl you like and you want her to like you back or see if she likes you back.

Myles: so who is the girl

Roc Royal: no one special

Myles: who is it who

Roc Royal: well it's um Ashley

Myles: aww got a crush

Roc Royal: shut up

Myles: why you like her

Roc Royal: cause she is cool and funny. and she is not like all girls

Myles: well tell her that but in a private area

Roc Royal: and how

Myles: ask her out

Roc Royal: ok look I tried that but it looked like it scared her so I panicked and took it back

Myles: how about this I do this

Roc Royal: what

Myles: take everybody outside you work something out and we come back in like ten minutes later

Roc Royal; you are gonna need help

Myles: I got it Jasmine

Roc Royal: what

Myles: let's just go

Goes back in living room

Myles: Hey look everybody I think see something shiny out there.

Jasmine: what

Myles pulls Jasmine and tells her the plan

Jasmine: got it

Walk in living room

Jasmine: yeah everybody look lets get outside and get a better look at it. like a ten minute look.

Ashley since you have perfect eye sight I think you should see it from here

Ashley: ok?

Ashley and Roc Royal are alone in Jasmine house

Ashley: I don't see anything

Roc Royal: look Ashley there is nothing.

Ashley: no duh

Roc Royal: really there isn't

Ashley turns around and Roc goes to kiss her.

Ashley kisses back.

Ashley: hold up. the last time you told me it was me

Roc Royal: it was and I took it back because I panicked because of the way you looked at me.

Ashley: ohh

Everybody come in five minutes earlier

Jasmine: yeah that was great for nothing

Ashley: so nothing huh

Brianna: yeah

Myles: I though I saw something but it was just the beauty of Erinn.

Everybody looks like they want to throw up except for Roc Royal and Ashley.

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