After school

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Brianna: hey Chris

Christian: hey Brianna

Brianna: you could call me Bre

Chris: ok then Bre. wanna hang at the coffee shop

Brianna: everybody goes there you know

Chris: cool lets go

They walk to the coffee shop

Ashley and Roc Royal

Roc Royal: what up Ashley

Ashley: hey Roc

Roc Royal: so we are gonna go

Ashley: well I said if u see me and u see me then we go

Roc Royal: what

Ashley: let just go

Roc Royal: ok

Ashley: I am starving

Roc Royal: wanna go to the pizza shop

Ashley: sure

At the pizza place
They sit at a table
Food is already ordered

Ashley: so why u wanted to hang

Roc Royal: well I just wanted to because you seem cool.

Ashley: oh ok

Roc Royal: question why are you so mysterious

Ashley: how

Roc Royal: u just feel it.

Ashley: well I am not

Roc Royal: so are you one of those girls who act like. Tomboy

Ashley: yup

Roc Royal: oh

Ashley: see I hate make up and dresses and skirts

Roc Royal: wow you like sports

Ashley: yes

Roc Royal: what is your favorite sport

Ashley: basketball and sort of football

Roc Royal: cool

Gets pizza and eats it

Brianna and Christian

Christian: so Brianna what do you want

Brianna: Iced Coffee

Christian: I am getting a donut

Brianna orders before Christian. Waiting for the order

Christian: so Brianna what do you like

Brianna: I like some sports my friends

Christian: cool

Order is ready and they sit at a table

Brianna: hey Aaniyah

Aaniyah: aye Brianna

Brianna: Christian this is my friend Aaniyah

Christian: hi Aaniyah

Aaniyah: hi Christian

Brianna: what you doing here

Aaniyah: I came to get coffee

Erinn: aye what up

Brianna: hi Erinn

Erinn: eww you sound like you don't like me

Brianna: (laughs)

Erinn:hi Christian I am Erinn but they call me all natural Erinn

Christian: hi

Brianna: did everyone get out late

Erinn: na everyone was at the back ok the school

Brianna: why what happened

Erinn: Aaniyah and I had to help everybody cause they err stuck in a room

Brianna: how

Aaniyah: the doorknob was broken

Brianna: oh

Jasmine : hey Brianna Erinn Aaniyah and Christian. Christian!

Christian: yeah and you are

Jasmine: Heaven but everybody calls me Jasmine.

Christian: so hi Jasmine

Jasmine: hi. yo Brianna did you check the update Roc Royal is with Ashley

Brianna: so i don't care.

Jasmine: they are in a pizza shop

Brianna: .....

Ashley:(laugh) so that was way stupid

Roc Royal: that's what I said but He was like you are the stupid one

Ashley: that makes a lot of sense

Roc Royal: man Ashley you are fun to hang with

Ashley: that's why they call me Ashley

Roc Royal: what(laughs)

Ashley: I just made no sense

Roc Royal: you did (laugh)

Ashley: wanna go to the coffee shop

Roc Royal: yeah everybody is there right

Ashley : yup

Back at coffee shop

Brianna: ok so He is with her and I am with him it's alright

Heaven-lee: hey mofos

Erinn: hey Heaven-lee

Joce: hi you guys

Jasmine: hey Joceylnn

Kianna: hey

Brianna: dang everybody is coming

Erinn: right

Princeton and Prodigy walk in

Jasmine: Princeton

Princeton: hey babe

Prodigy: hey everybody

Christian: hey Prodigy

Prodigy: what up Chris

Ashley and Roc Royal walk

Ashley: hey everybody

Brianna: hi

Roc Royal: hey bre

Brianna: hi

Roc Royal: okay

Princeton: have you seen ray

Roc Royal: no not yet

Ray Ray: hey you guys sorry I was just at that taco store across the street

Aaniyah: the taco store I'm done

Brianna: word

Ray Ray: yes the taco store don't hate

Jasmine: appreciate

Ashley: you serious Jasmine

Jasmine: yes oh and CEASAR SALAD

Ashley: oh my gosh

Meadow: hey everybody

Jasmine: Meadow? U thought you was sick

Meadow: I was for the past three days but then I didn't feel like coming to school

Aaniyah: so you are going to Tell teachers well I was sick but for the rest if the days I didn't feel like coming to school.

Erinn: word right

Brianna: you might as well just say bitch I don't like you

Aaniyah: word right

Ashley get a text from her mom saying that she needs to come home

Ashley: I got to go my mom said

Jasmine: can I come

Ashley: sure

Everybody: bye

Ashley and Jasmine: bye

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