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Ashley: I'm home
With jasmine

Mom: oh hey Jasmine get comfortable

Jasmine: ok

Mom: well today you have to pick up your brother at practice.

Ashley: (Sighs) fine

Mom: I gotta go

Ashley: ok bye

Mom: bye

Jasmine: you got homework

Ashley: no I only got a social studies report on America

Jasmine: same here due in Thursday

Ashley: wanna do it today

Jasmine: sure

Ashley: but I am doing my in a few

Jasmine: I and doing mine now

Ashley: do you have any idea what you are going to do

Jasmine: no I don't

Ashley: want me to help

Jasmine: yes

They do project for over an hour

Ashley: we are done finally

Jasmine: right

Ashley: I got to pick my bro up in thirty minutes

Jasmine: so do we go now

Ashley: his practice is five minutes away

Jasmine: oh. question what is up with you and Roc Royal

Ashley: what do you mean

Jasmine: well you two at the pizza shop

Ashley: oh that we just hang he just asked so I said maybe if he sees me and stuff and we went

Jasmine: oh

Ashley: wait a minute how did you know we went to the pizza shop

Jasmine: look

Ashley: are you serious it's in MTV

Jasmine: and Instagram Facebook twitter

Ashley: i get it

Jasmine: oh ok

Ashley: but how

Jasmine: I guess some paparazzi saw you two

Ashley: is that why Brianna said hi instead of hey


At the coffee shop with only Brianna and Roc Royal

Roc Royal: bre what is up with you

Brianna: what do you mean

Roc Royal: are you angry with me

Brianna: what

Roc Royal: what is wrong

Brianna. Nothing much

Roc Royal: what? Is it because I was with Ashley at the pizza shop

Brianna: yes

Roc Royal: look all we did was eat and tell jokes and funny ones

Brianna: ok

Roc Royal: and I don't get why you were mad when you were hanging with Christian.

Brianna: you are right. But you promise that you have no feelings for Ashley

Roc Royal: look there is you ok. Only you here

Brianna: ok

Back at Ashley house

Ashley: gotta pick up my bro now

Jasmine: let go

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