Jasmine and Princeton

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Jasmine: hey Princeton

Princeton: hey babe what u been doin

Jasmine: Judy watching tv

Princeton: so that's it

Jasmine: yeah every day I always got something to do today I wanted to just watch tv

Princeton: ohh ok

Jasmine: what you been up to

Princeton : nothing much

Jasmine: yeah do you know why there are no more concerts and music videos and stuff

Princeton: well the president of the MC said two years of learning because we have small minds and stuff

Jasmine: really

Princeton: well yeah

Jasmine: that doesn't sound right

Princeton: well not our word for it

Jasmine: so no discovering people and stuff

Princeton: we are but we or rather they want them at our level of fame

Jasmine: and it takes two years

Princeton: yes

Jasmine: wow thy must be slow and horrible

Princeton: sort of

Jasmine: anyways what you wanna do today

Princeton: nothing just sit here with you

Jasmine: ok

Princeton kisses Jasmine

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