MB: dream world

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We are all learning about social studies and stuff. Suddenly we hear that Mindless Behavior is going to be in our school for the next two years. They will not be on tour so they decided to use the time to make friends and learn more.
Brianna: (screams ) OMG OMG OMG
Heaven: calm down Brianna.
Brianna: yo don't tell me calm down
Heaven: well I just did
Ashley: shut up
Heaven and Brianna: shut up no one asked for ur 2 cents
Ashley: and I don't care
Mr. Perez: how about this be quiet before I give you three detention
Class is quiet.
They all go to their locker and take their stuff to go
Brianna: um Mr. Perez do you know when MB comes
Mr. Perez : they don't come until tomorrow
Ashley and Naomi open neck each other
Ashley: bye see you tomorrow
Naomi: bye
Next Day
heaven : chill Brianna
Mindless Behavior walks in
Roc: hi
Brianna:(speaks really fast) hi roc my name is Brianna jones and this is Heaven and this is Ashley
MB: hi
Roc: so I see some of you are big fans
Brianna: yes
Princeton: I like you guys because otherwise other girls would normally stand out until we come and scream.
Heaven: I am the most calm one
Brianna: I am more mature

In class
Mr. Perez : as you all know basically this is MINDLESS BEHAVIOR
Brianna: yes
Mr. Perez: now here are my rules no screaming no staring and no getting out of control
Everybody in class except Mindless Behavior: Brianna
Brianna : hey I am more mature
Ashley: you weren't yesterday you were screaming
Brianna: shut up
Ashley someone is being immature
Mr. Perez: Roc you are going to sit next to Ashley and Brianna. Princeton you are going to sit next to Aaniyah Prodigy you are next to Erinn and Ray Ray you are across from prodigy
Brianna: Erinn u mad loud
Erinn: shut up
Roc: so sup Ashley and Brianna.
Both: What up
Mr. Perez : now I am the social studies teacher while ms. Morones is the math
Mr. Vazquez is the science Ms. Gaynor is the gym and you will learn the others cyz I gotta get on with my a lesson. this school is a little different than other high schools.
Roc: (stares at Brianna)
Brianna: (in mind) YES YES YES
Roc: So Brianna what you like
Brianna: I like sports but like playing them
Roc: cool (in mind) Brianna is cool
Mr. Perez: well class is over
Prince: doesn't the bell have to ring
Mr. Perez: well that's broken because some people chose to throw a basketball at it.
Everyone walks out
Roc: So Brianna u wanna hang out later after school
Brianna: sure ( YES YES YES)
Kianna: so Alex what you wanna do later
Alexandra: I gotta babysit my little bro
Kianna: want me to help
Alex: yes that would be so nice
Heaven: yo Brianna I know Roc asked you out
Brianna: yes. you going for prince
Heaven: yes
Princeton: So Heaven is the name right
Heaven: yes
Princeton: well I been meaning to ask you can I get ur notes
Heaven : ......
Princeton: nah I'm joking anyways I wanna no if u wanna hang later
Heaven: YES I mean sure
Jumps up and down
Brianna: u asked Princeton out
Heaven: nope he asked me out
Both jump up and down
Ashley: what is wrong with u 2
Both: we been asked out by one of the MB members
Brianna: got a problem or you jealous
Ashley: I really don't care Brianna
Brianna: I'm going with Roc
Heaven: I'm with Princeton
Ashley : good for you but i don't care
Announcements :
Well now this school is going to have celebrities such as Diggy Simons Ross
And more
Erinn: (jumps up and down) Diggy Simons Is coming YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES..
Ashley : ok Erinn I know you are very very very excited
Diggy : why hello.
Ashley: yeah cut the act
Diggy: ok yo Ashley where the hell do I go
Ashley: shut up and follow me
Diggy: I am meeting a fan aren't I
Ashley : yes you are
Ashley: Diggy this is Erinn
Erinn: move
Diggy: wow u just love me
Erinn: yes
Diggy: well you are pretty wanna hang
Diggy: ok cool hang later after school 3:00
Erinn: cool (MY ASS IS OVER THERE)
Diggy leaves
Erinn jumps up and down screaming
Ashley: ur welcome
Ashley: good luck too
Later that day afterschool
Erinn: so what up Diggy
Diggy: what up 💖
Erinn: where we goin
Diggy: there is a candy store where you can make ur own candy and there is a Kit Kat store
Erinn: let's go to the kit Kat store
Diggy: alright
Roc and Brianna
Roc: sup gorgeous
Brianna: sup
Roc: wanna hang at my house
Brianna : ( HELL YES) yes
Roc: let go
Princeton and heaven
Heaven: hey Princeton
Princeton: wat up
Heaven: where we goin
Princeton: Popeyes
Heaven: really
Princeton: Yes I love fried chicken they chicken b popin
Heaven: yay Princeton well I like to b called jasmine
Price: fine withme

MB: dream worldWhere stories live. Discover now