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I popped in a Kate Nash cd while we drove up to a Walmart. I sang along healf-heartedly. "Eating Cheese on toast, yeah, you make me Merry, you make me very, very happy." I sighed and gave up.

Connor parked the car right in front of the entrance. "Let's go get supplies." He frowned as he cautiously left the car. I followed suit.

This Walmart was trashed, windows broken, the ad for the newest Twilight movie was ripped into loss there. Racks of clothes were strewn around on the ground and food was thrown around. There was few bodies scattered about, but almost no Undead.


There was one tucking into a cashier, she was elderly. Poor woman. He bit into her hand and you could hear the flesh tearing and the smacking of it against his teeth.

Another was stuck inside Family hair cutting place, that grate thing that came down after closing had her trapped inside.

That was all we've seen so far.

Connor squeezed my hand as he led me to the backpack section. He handed me a large L.L. Bean backpack and said "We'll fill this with food, this one with water, and this one with clothes, and this one for...female....things."  He held up three more L.L bean backpacks. "Okay..." I mumbled.

We walked together towards the food. We took two loaves of bread and squished them in the bottom of the backpack, followed by a jar with peanut butter and jelly in it. 'Conserve space.' Connor had mumbled as he tossed it in the bag. He also dumped an entire box of Slim Jims into the bag quickly followed by Beef Jerky.

We walked down the isles gathering anything that didn't need to be refridgerated and soon the bag was full to bursting.

He grabbed a cart and placed the backpack inside. Next, we put all the waterbottles we could into the water backpack - which was blue - and it followed the food into the cart.

He handed me a pink bag and told me to take the glock and go get all the female things I could fit into the bag.

I gulped. "You're not coming with me?" I whispered. "If you're too scared, I'll come." He whispered back. "We can just get the clothes first and then get the feminine hygeine stuff." I suggested. Connor nodded in agreement.

Connor led me to the male clothing isles, and he stuffed three packages of boxers into the back followed by three wifebeaters three shirts and three pants.

Then it was my turn. I grabbed the same thing he did, only, it was panties, tank tops, a white t-shirt, a gray t-shirt, and a black t-shirt followed by three pairs of pants.

There was still space. So we stuffed two winter jackets in it along with a bunch of socks and spare sneakers for each of us.

He put the clothing bag into the cart.

Then we quickly filled the pink bag with all the feminie hygeine products we could get our hands on.

We pushed the cart as fast as we could out of the store, and loaded them all into the trunk.

"Wait. Toothbrushes? Toothpaste? Deoderant? Razors?" Connor looked at me as he said each of them. "We can run back in and grab all we can carry." I suggested.

That is exactly what we did, only we grabbed another backpack. We filled it with razors, and soap and tooth paste and mouthwash and deoderants of all kinds. Then we were out of there.

I saw the car leaving dust in the parking lot behind us.

"Connor. Connor, there are people chasing after the car." I whispered. "So? They're probably Undead." Connor frowned. "No, they're definitly alive." Connor immediatly stopped the car.

The people raced up to the car. Connor just barely opened his window to talk to them. "Hi..." He said cautiously. "Hey, we need your help. Our car ran out of gas and we're trying to get out of here." Said the tallest of the three people.

He was older, maybe as old as our parents were, mid sixties. He had salt and pepper hair, more salt than anything. He had lots of wrinkles on his face, most from smiles.

"We're not going to hurt you, we just want to get out of this place. Set up a camp far away from any towns so we don't get attacked and killed by Zombies." Said the woman.

She was short, and had red hair with chunks of gray pulled up into a messy bun. Her eyes were a dull brown and she wasn't as wrinkly and shrivelled as her hubby.

The third person, their son, was roughly Connor's age. His eyes were a hazel that led more towards green and his hair was a messy skater style haircut. He held a baseball bat in one hand - a baseball bat that had blood on the bludgeoning end, and some bits of something that looked suspiciously like flesh hanging off it - and he kept glancing to the sides and looking behind him. His hair was brown, and he had a scar that ran through one of his eyebrows.

Connor looked thoughtful. "Have any of you been bitten or scratched?" They all shook their heads, lookingg horrified. "Get in." They hurriedly climbed into the back of the car, and off we went.

"I'm Connor, this is my sister Katarina. We're heading towards Vermont so we can see if our brother and his family is okay." He spoke with one hand on the wheel while he waved another around to excentuate his point. "Yeah, that's alright, there's lots of woodland in Vermont." Said the woman. "In any case, I'm Carol, this is my husband Troy, and our son Jay."

I waved with a smile that probably looked more like a...not smile. "Are you guys even american? You talk like-" "We're from Ireland. We moved here about three years ago." Connor snipped.

I guess we've picked up strangers.


Hey, Madhatter1 here!

I've written a longer chapter. Hopefully you'll like it. I have a bit of writers block so if the way i wrote it isn't like the other two chapters, I'm sorry. I tried to make it right. It's just a little difficult when I don't have a strike of genius in my head.

So who thinks that their brother and his family and Undead Zombies?

And Who thinks that someone lied about being bitten?

There's always a possibility! ;)

- Madhatter1

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2011 ⏰

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