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So yay first chappie! I am loving this. I will update alot I promise probs like fridays and saturdays. We have been getting a lot of homework recently.

Chapter One

“You said that you wanted to join us, were you being serious?” Nick Fury asked me. I smiled. I am really proud of myself for getting this far on my own.  I mean if SHIELD trusts me then I can’t be all bad can I?

“Of course I was serious sir.” I said standing with my back straight and my hands clasped behind it.

“Good because you are now on a team.” Nick said. I couldn’t help it. I jumped up and squealed. I quickly regained myself, “Thank you sir. I won’t let you down.” I said formally.

He turned to show me the way to my new team, but before quietly saying “I hope you won’t.” I narrowed my eyes at this. I know what he means. And it makes me upset that they assume I am just like my father.

I am not!

I followed Nick into a room that had three other teens in it. He introduced us quickly, then he left to go see something about a spider. They all said hi to me and asked if I was new to the team I nodded. The one in named Luke suit grumbled something about not being told sooner. I felt so out of place. Oh God! it is like High School. Soon Nick came back in.

“This exercise will gage your efficiency against superior numbers.” Nick said into a microphone. A screen popped up, and the three others turned to look at it. I turned too. “Disable all the tactiles, you have sixty seconds. FYI Captain America did it in ten.” Nick continued.

I cringed at the name, no one else noticed. I watched as the boy in the colorful costume began just punching at things. He had good form-ish... He did smart mouth a little. I love a little smart mouth in a battle.

I remember this drill. Fight the robot army as best you could, I did it in just under fifteen seconds. I watched this poor boy get pummeled, and found myself silently cheering him on when he finally got the upper hand.  

Nick laughed and I looked at him. Why does he enjoy watching someone get hurt... Oh right because he is Nick Fury.

“”I finished this thing in under twenty.” Iron Fist stated shocked by how terribly the spider was doing.

“I completed mine in under eighteen.” Luke said bragging. I rolled my eyes. Boys. “Well Ruby over there did it in fourteen,” Nick said. I glared at him while the two boys looked at me shocked. Well thank you Nick.

“There is no discipline to his fighting technique! He is just thrashing around hitting things!” White Tiger said.

“Isn’t that just like all boys?” I asked. No one found that amusing, or they were just ignoring me.

White Tiger continued like I didn’t say anything. “Well Fury says he is good for the team.”

I looked at White Tiger for a second trying to figure out why she was ignoring me. As I was staring at her White Tiger looked over at me and winked. She just didn’t want her team to think she liked me. I can dig it.

Suddenly another teen came running in, “Whoa why is Fury testing a new candidate, I didn’t approve this! And who are you?” The guy asked. He had first been pointing to the screen showing the boy, who was doing a bit better now, then to me. “New to the team Ruby AKA Phoenix.” I said.

“Well I approve of you.” He said giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes at this. “Look who thinks he’s still in charge.” White Tiger said. “That’s so cute.” She ended darkly. The boy with a gold bucket on his head didn’t take mind to her, instead he took a step forward.

So this was their leader? Why did he have a bucket on his head if he was so leader and powerful? And why didn’t they treat him with more respect? SHIELD does not make any sense to me whatsoever, but it is better than where I was before.

“If Fury thinks I am going to lead that lame-o in battle-” The leader began. Luke cut him off hitting him in the head. “In your dreams you’re the team leader.” Danny joined in there little fight and I just wanted out.

“So which one really is the team leader?” I asked coming up to Nick. He was still watching the spider. I watched as one of the robots grabbed him with his tentacles and started pounding him into the ground. “That one.” Nick said jerking his head toward the screen.

I stared wide eyed open mouthed at Nick. He has to be joking...right. This boy will not survive one second out on the field. I want to tell Nick this, but I know my place. I can’t question my superiors that is how I was brought up.

“Put your bug eyes back into your mask. Give me a second now.” Nick said. He pressed a big blue button just as the spider finished. I watched anxiously for what Nick would say. “What’s next?” The spider said. To his credit I liked this Spider.

“Next you have the parachute test.” Nick said with something almost like a smile, which isn’t good. “Red button, see you tomorrow.” Nick said. I pushed the red button for him, even though I didn’t want to.

I watched in horror as he plummeted to the ground. The poor boy won’t last in SHIELD. Even if I want him to.

“You better meet your team.” Nick said. I nodded and walked over to them.

“Hi I am Sam or Nova.” The one with bucket on his head said sticking his hand out for me. I gave him mine and he shook it a little too enthusiastically for my for my taste. “Welcome to the team.” He said with a smile.

I I finally have it. A new life, a new team, and far far away from my past.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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