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Brandon and I were finally all moved in. This was officially our home. Ours and our baby's. Wow, that still feels weird to say. 

I still hasn't hit me that we're having a baby together, and I was almost due. 

She was constantly moving around in there, apparently thinking that my bladder is a squeeze toy. I love being pregnant, it has been a wonderful experience, but I can't wait to meet this little girl. To hold her in my arms, to kiss her, to sing to her. And to do all the things I wanted to do with my mother. 


"So, now it's just time to go buy the last stuff for the nursery," he says.

"Then I guess we should go to the baby store."

"Do you want to go now or later?"

I start walking over to the table, to get the keys, but freeze half way. I put both hands on my stomach and let out a small shriek.

"Callie?" Brandon yells as he rushes over to me. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I-I-I'm fine," I say.

The pain is suddenly gone, so I stand up right. 

"Callie, that could've been a contraction."

"No. She's not due for another week."

"Babies come early all the time. It's entirely possible."

I let out a sigh.

"We're going to the hospital."

"Brandon, you're overreacting."

"I don't care. I need to know that both of you are okay."

He runs over to the corner and gets my hospital. He then runs around. "Where are the damn keys?" he yells.


"What?" he asks, out of breath.

I point over to the table. "They're over there."

He scoffs and rushes over to the table. When he does, I feel the pain coming again.

I groan. "Let's go."


"Hi, Callie Jacob, we called from the car," Brandon says when we reach the front desk.

The nurse stands up. "Oh, of course. Follow me." She waves over a guy with a wheelchair.

"I'm good," I say. That's when I get another contraction that makes me weak in the knees. 

"Ms. Jacob, please sit," the nurse says. 

I nod and sit down. I take a few deep breaths as we go through the doors.


He paces back and forth, which annoys me. I shake my head, but let him continue.

The doctor comes in shortly after. "I'm just going to see how dilated you are."

I give her a quick smile and do what I had done the past few times. 

When she is done, she takes off her gloves and walks over to me. She had a smile on her face. "You're fully dilated."

"So, it's time?"

She smiles. "It's time."


Brandon helps me put my hair up while the doctor is getting ready. I still haven't comprehended the fact that I was about to have her, my baby. The girl I've been waiting to meet.

I look over at Brandon and give him a huge smile. "She's coming."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "She's coming."

The doctor comes over and sit down her chair, pulling herself closer to me. "Are you ready?" she asks.

I nod. "I'm ready."

"Okay, so I will tell you when to push, okay?"

I nod again.

"Now," she says. So, that's what I do, I push.

I push and I push until finally, I hear a scream. The doctor asks Brandon if he would like to cut the umbilical cord, and he says yes. Once he has done that, they bring her over to us. She puts her in my arms and takes a few steps back. 

"Do you have a name?" the doctors asks.

I look at our daughter and then at Brandon. "Colleen," I say.

Brandon smiles. "Colleen."

"Colleen Jacob," the doctors says.

I turn my head to look at her. "No. Colleen Foster."

To be continued...

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