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"Look at her," Mariana said, looking at Colleen through the glass. "I can't tell who she looks more like."

"Are you kidding me," I say. "She's gorgeous, it's all Callie." 

Mariana giggles. "It's so weird. You and Callie are parents."

"Yeah," I scoff. "Who'd have thought."


I opened the door slowly, holding Colleen firmly. Callie had wanted to get some rest after the delivery. It had taken quite a toll on her. How she did it, I will never understand, but she's a real trooper. "Someone's here to see you," I say as I close the door.

I slowly make my way over to her and place Colleen softly in her arms. "She looks like you."

Callie smiles, slowly tracing her finger down Colleen's face. "I never thought I could be so happy."

"You're going to be an amazing mom," I tell her. I don't know whether to stand or sit, so I decide to sit on the chair planted next to the bed. 

Callie only laughs and continues to look at our daughter. Never in a million years had I thought that this is where we'd be. Callie and I having a baby together, and barely out of high school. 

"Did the doctor say when we could go home?" she asks. 

"At the end of the day," I say with a smile.

Callie smiles once more. "I can't wait to bring this one home."


A few weeks later...

Callie emerges from her room with a wine-red pantsuit on and her hair braided to the side. She always looked beautiful, but today, this was a different kind of beautiful. 

"What?" she says, noticing that I'm staring.

"You look good." 

She smirks. "So do you," she pauses and looks at Lena who was holding Colleen. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes. We'll be fine. We have some Grey's Anatomy to catch up on. You two go and be teenagers for one night. I insist."

We both laugh and go over to kiss Colleen good-bye. 

"You got the keys?" Callie asks when we reach the car.

"Of course." I unlock the car and jump in. "Can you believe we've graduated? Actually graduated."

"I know right?! It's so hard to believe. "

She checks her phone. "Colleen is fine with mama."

"I know. It's my first-"

"I know. But they'll be fine. I promise."


"What took you two so long?" Mariana asks as soon as she sees us.

"I was leaving my daughter for the first time. You should be glad that I'm here at all," Callie snaps. 

Mariana rolls her eyes. "Come on. Everyone's over here."

We follow her down to the beach, where they've lit a huge bonfire. Mariana hands us two pieces of paper and pens. "Write down a wish and then burn the paper."

Callie asks me to turn around so she can use my back, while I use my hand. I didn't need to think about it, I only had one wish. 
When we're done we crumble the paper in our hands and throw it into the fire. I close my eyes for a second.

"Here," Mariana says, offering us a drink. 

Callie waves her hand. "I can't."

"Come on."

"No, really. I'm still..."

"Oh, right," Mariana says, taking the cup for herself. 

Callie nods towards the cup. "You should take it. I'll drive." 

I smile and take the cup, only taking a small sip. Callie and I walk around the fire and sit down in the sand, having the fire behind us and the ocean in front. We sit there in silence. Well, mostly silence. Everyone in the background are either singing or shouting.

"Brandon?" I hear Mariana shout. I turn around and see her running towards us with a guitar. "Play something."

I put down my drink in the sand next to me, then grab the guitar. "Any requests?" 

Mariana thinks for a second. "Play that song you played the party with Someone's Little Sister." 

I swallow hard, knowing exactly what song she means. I look down, debating whether or not I should play it. Callie nudges me slightly. "Play it." I look up at her to see a huge smile on her face. "I haven't heard it in forever."

"Who did you write it for again?" Mariana looks at me suspiciously.

"Uhm..." I start. I look quickly at Callie who's rearranging herself, then at Mariana who looks at me, then Callie with a big 'oh' look on her face. She sits down and motions other to do so as well. 


"It was great hearing that song again," Callie says after everyone moved on from our 'spot.' 

"Yeah... I haven't played it in forever."

She lets out a sigh and looks at me. "You're doing a good job, Brandon."

"What do you mean."

"With Colleen. You're doing a good job. You're a good father."

I laugh. "I don't know about that."

She grabs my hand and puts it on her knee. She strokes it lightly while saying, "No, you are. Don't doubt it for a second," she takes a breath. "I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else."

"So are you." I look at her. She has tears in her eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing. These are happy tears."

I wipe away a tear that falls down her cheek. That's when it changes. The look in her eyes. I see her starting to breathe heavily, and my heart starting to race. Our heads move closer ad closer together until our foreheads touch. We sit there for a moment, taking each other in. I take another deep breath and slowly press my lips against hers. I pull away leaving only an inch between us. She looks at me once again and takes my other hand. Our fingers lace, making me relax. She pulls further away. "I want this, Brandon."

"Me too. Callie," I pause for a moment, "I love you."

To Be Continued... 

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