Chapter 3

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"Moma what is he doing here?" I asked putting my hands on my waist.

"Tina its time." She said looking at me in a serious matter.

"So what is this all about?" Raven said with hella attitude.

"Tina what's going on?" August asked.

"Ummmm......—" I said trying to get the words out.

"If your trying to get back with him its not gonna work, if you didn't notice this big BIG rock on my finger." Raven said waving her hand up showing it off.

"Damn bitch shut the fuck up, damn!" I yelled this bitch here was already pissing me off.

Before I could actually tell him what was going on I got a call from Treazure's daycare.

"Hello Tina speaking." I said into the phone.

"Yess ma'am Treazure is sick and she needs someone to come pick her up."

"Okay I'm on my way thank you."

"Was that Treazures school baby?" My mom asked.

"Yea." I replied.

"Wait who's Treazure?" August asked.

"Yo daughter." I said walking out the house grabbing my car keys and my purse.

"Come on baby get on mommy's back." I said to Treazure as I helped her onto my back.

"We going to granny's house?" She asked with a smile.

"Yupp we got someone for you to meet."

When I went back to my mom's house August and Raven was sitting on the living room sofas. When August saw me walking in he stood up as he tried to figure out who was hiding behind my legs.

"Come on Treazure baby, somebody wants to say hi." I said grabbing her small hands pulling her around me.

When Treazure came around me she stood there looking nervous and shy.

"Who are you?" She whispered.

"I'm your daddy." August said happy than I ever saw him before.

Without any hesitation Treazure gave him a hug. I guess Raven was jealous because of the close connection that they had, but it wasn't about her it was about my daughter.

"Treazure and you young lady do you mind coming in the kitchen."My mother asked knowing exactly what she was doing.

Treazure didn't hesitate,but Raven  moved until she saw the look in August eyes. It was 5seconds of quiet when they left until he broke the silence.

"So when was you going to tell me I had a daughter." He asked.

"I was gonna tell you,but It just happened and I was by myself and I needed to get back to myself." I replied.

"Tina I missed two years without her."

"And where were you August?" I said loudly.

It was a long pause and nothing was said. Until Treazure came rushing in.

"Mommy can daddy come to our house to play?" She said yelling and hopping up and down.

"Umm.....Treazure I'm sure your dad is busy—"

"Yea baby girl daddy can come by." August said interrupting me.
*August P.O.V*

Its been nearly two years since I seen Tina. I never fell out of love with her. You probably wondering why I'm marrying ole girl Raven, but to be honest I don't even no why it just seemed right. Tina doesn't no this but Raven is pregnant with my baby. I don't want her to know about this and its show ain't the right time. Anyways I was invited to Tina's momma's house because it was urgent.

To find out that I had a two in a half year old daughter was bittersweet, because I missed two years of her life,but I can make them up for her. No hesitation I knew that was my baby she had my resemblance and she had her momma's attitude.  By telling Treazure I was gonna come over today was time to talk to my baby gurl and show Tina that I still and always run shit.

When we finally made it to her house it looked different and big ass hell. And I couldn't help but admire Tina's sexy ass.

"Come on daddy this is my room with all my toys." Treazure said grabbing my hand and pulling me.

After a few hours of having fun with my daughter I had to go.

"Treazure I gotta go." I told her giving her a hug.

"Momma can daddy take me to Chucke cheese tomorrow he said he want to take me?" Treazure asked Tina.

"Sure why not." Tina answered giving me that look.

"But you gotta come with us." Treazure said tugging on Tina's shirt.

".....mmm okay baby." She replied looking at me more with an unhappy look.

"Well see y'all tomorrow." I said smiling back at Tina.

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Have a bless day!💕

—Davina W.💖

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