(2) The Oracle

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The fair grounds were crowded and filled with residents or travellers.
Nashville , my hometown , was a quiet and relatively peaceful town that I absolutely loved.
Growing up here , i looked forward to the harvest seasons and much more events that involved the whole town. We were small but everyone was like family. Travellers stop by here a lot too since the main city is a few thousand miles north from our small town. Sometimes they even join these events and as the kind town we are , we open our arms and welcome them.

The field was filled with colourful booths each unique to their own games or food.

The banner above us was coloured bright blue and painted "Nashville County Fair" in black.

Wiona whistled lowly beside me , "This is awesome."

"Yeah. Cool." I was too awestruck to form a proper comment.
From my sides , I spotted the cotton candy and popcorn booth.
"Holy Shnitzel , Nio ! Popcorn and Candy Floss!" Not giving her time to respond , I dragged her there.

"One blue candy floss please,"
"One blue and pink candy floss mixed together please."

Wiona looked at me weirdly.
"You know , despite being your best friend for so long , i'll never get used to your weird taste."

I shrugged and took the candy floss from the vendor after paying him.
"What can i say? I'm special."

Wiona glanced at me weirdly again before she took a large bite of her floss. Bits of blue floss stuck on her cheek and corners of her mouth.

Her bright green eyes lit up as soon as she spotted something.
"Hey Nona , look over there!"

Confused , I turned and looked at her line of sight. Across from the candy floss stall , Wiona was looking at a black tent that had a sign beside it.

come and see , curious one for I can show you many things.

Well that didn't scream suspicious at all.

"Nope." I turned around and started making my way to the games stall before my left arm that didn't have
my cotton candy was yanked.

"C'mon ! Its not everyday your future is told!"

"I'm not spending flippling fifteen dollars on that piece of lie!"

Regardless , she still dragged ms there. Huh , payback i guess.
We stood before the large black tent , staring at the small opening. It was pitch black and dark , I couldn't see a thing. This shit is definitely shady.

"I need to use the bathroom..." I turned slowly before Wiona grabbed my hand.

"There are no toilets here Nona."

"That's cool, I'll just piss in the trees or something."

"No! Come on! " I was turned back again and once more facing the formidable tent.

"Hey Nio...its kinda...scary." I looked at her but she didn't hear me.
She looked back at me , her emerald eyes slightly glossed.
"I'm going to get my jacket from the car." And with that she left.

What the hell? I looked back at the tent and gulped.
"Come in , come in young one !"

Son of a cornbread , what the effing flip was that.
"O-o-kay." I stuttered and bit my lip nervously. I'm walking into my doom.

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