(4) The Camp

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Everything is white. I'm blinded by how bright the light is shining.

"Artemis? Artemis!!" I yelled around.

"Calm down child. We're almost there." Artemis's voice rang in my head and despite all she has done up till now , I felt relieved. I wasn't alone.

"Where are we going? It's so freaking bright my eyes hurt." I whined to her.
I'm scared of being alone and I guess my defence mechanism is to chatter away in hopes of pissing someone off.

"Close your eyes now. When I tell you , open them." She demanded in a commanding voice. Well thats annoying. Rolling my eyes , I squeezed them shut.

The bright light is gone and I can feel the cold wind. It nips my skin as I stand there , breathing in the scent of a...a forest? It smells like earth and dampness.

"Open them Nona. We have arrived here." her voice softened and I slowly peeked through my lashes.

My eyes widened and I was mesmerised.
"Holy Sh—Are we in the woods?!" I whispered in awe and I couldn't help the feeling of wanting to jump around and scream happily. Happiness filled my heart so full I thought it would burst.

"I see you like the woods?" Artemis looked pleasantly surprised.

"Like? I love love LOVE the woods!" I nearly yelled and started to walk around , examining my surroundings.
"I remember when I was small , mama would let me go on camps with the school and once , Artemis , I climbed a tree and picked some fruit off for my mom. The teachers were soo shocked but I loved the outdoors." I rambled on to Artemis with a goofy smile on my face while she gazed at me with loving eyes.

"You are exactly like your mother. Outgoing and cheerful , most of the time." Well my mom was a very introverted person and she isn't as bubbly but her affection always got through to me so I guess thats what Artemis was talking about.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Anyways where we headed to?" I glanced around. Although I was happy to be in the woods , there was no sign of civilisation that would lead Artemis to bring me here.

"Before we go , I'd like to talk to you a little more so you can wrap your head around this." I nodded slowly and found a fallen tree log to sit on before patting beside me , gesturing Artemis to join me.

Her face scrunched up in disdain at my suggestion. "I'd love to sit on that log–no , trust me i really do. I'm the goddess of hunt,–but a white gown doesn't exactly scream 'I won't get dirty' now does it? I'm fine with standing."

"Your loss."
She gazed at me and I straightened my back. She took it as a sign to speak and she began talking.
"Ienois , you are a demigod. Demigods are created through a god from Olympus and a mortal.They have more power than a mortal but less than a god's."

"Your mother , as you know , is a normal mortal. Your father however , is a god directly from Olympus. This means you have his sacred blood and your father happens to be my twin brother. Yes , I am in a way , your aunt. You are of directly of our lineage and I'm sure you've learned of hereditary?"

I nodded. So my dad's a god. Big shocker. Daddy God couldn't even take care of his own child.

"Well , my brother , Apollo is the sun god. You have control over the fire element. You are no ordinary human Ienois , you are my niece and the daughter of Apollo. I have brought you here because your powers , they awaken on this very day. Your sixteenth birthday. There is a camp here. The people here will teach you how to harness and control your ability. It is called Camp Kratos. Learn well from here onwards okay? I will come for you when you are ready and we will begin your mission in Olympus. Train well."

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