(5) A Protector

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I blinked and then blinked again. My face scrunched up in confusion and my head tilted to one side.
"I think I'm kinda disappointed?"

Renard looked surprised and looked around before blinking.
"Really? I thought our camp was quite shocking. Especially the entrance."

"No! No of course, your camp looks awesome and shocking but I'm talking about her," I pointed at Debra who scowled at me.

"What?" she snapped.

"I thought your name would be Katniss." I pouted , slightly sad that it wasn't. What? I take my Hunger Games very seriously. She looked as much as a good fighter Katniss is though so I gotta give her credit for that.

Debra blinked and then snorted. She grinned at me and nodded.
"I like you."

Renard looked fairly confused at our exchange and just shook his head.
"Alright , Ienois , Debra will show you your room and you can rest up. Lunch will be three hours from now so you can unpack. Don't be late." he patted my shoulder before walking off.

Renard was probably twenty one or at most , twenty three. He looked handsome too. His dark hair was messy and almost covered his striking blue eyes.

"Don't go falling in love there. He's mine." Debra smirked at me. I must've been staring too. By then , half the crowd left to resume their work while the other half , i think their on break , came up to me.

A short girl with black hair and black glasses looked up at me with awe.
"You know Artemis? What's she like?"

I scrunched up my nose.
"I don't really like praising my aunt but I guess she's okay? "

Man , I wanted to go home sooo badly right now. Debra clapped her hands loudly and told everyone to resume their training which resulted in a couple of groans.

I spun around to face Debra, "You said Renard's yours. You guys dating?" I raised my brows.

Debra tried to act proud about it but she ended up with two bright red cheeks and her ears were tinged red too. She's blushing !
"Y-yeah. Anyway your room's this way. Coincidentally, I'm your roomie. Lucky I like you huh?" She strode in front of me , trying to hide her face from my sight. How cute.

I caught up with her and observed my surroundings. The camp had small elf houses built in rows and some were scattered. When we were walking across , a patch of grass was charred black. They hold bonfires? That's new.

Debra stopped in front of a pastel elf house. Behind it were clothing lines. Self-service here , no surprise.

"This , is our home. You can put your bags down , shower , take a nap. Whatever. Just don't be late for lunch."

Nodding , I entered the small house. Inside , was as spacious as my mother's cozy apartment and that was saying something.
"Woah...elf houses are totally my thing." I let loose a low whistle before locating my room.

The entrance was basically a translucent sheet of curtain that parted in the middle like a tent. My bed was basically a Japanese-styled futon.
There was a small dressing table that I had to sit on the floor to use. Otherwise , it was relatively empty. I set my bag down in a corner and changed out of my skinny jeans and tank top to something more comfortable. I wore a solid black tights underneath a pair of green shorts and a tight-fitting long sleeved black shirt under a short sleeved green hoodie.
I decided to keep my combat boots on. Sighing , I lay on my futon.

Everything was to be processed so quickly. I am Ienois DeCaprio , 16 years old and my mother is a mortal while my father is a god. I have the fire element and Camp Kratos was to...train me? Actually , I don't even know what this camp does!

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