(6) Rude

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"WHAT?!" We both yelled at the same time in disbelief. The entire hall was so silent , you could hear a pin drop.
Hunter whipped his head to me and narrowed his eyes while I just widened mine. He turned back to Renard and was practically releasing anger vibes.

"I haven't been waiting eighteen years of my life to protect someone as weak as her!" I felt a dull ache spread in my chest. Wow , that really , really hurt.

"I'm not up for protection from this asshole. Thanks but no thanks." I gave Renard a bored tone and expression. In reality , I'd like to drop kick Hunter's ass and probably add a punch or two but he's a protector so he'd pretty much crush me in two seconds.
Hunter growled lowly. Our argument was practically on display for the whole camp to see. I couldn't find Debra and for all I knew , she'd left to make sure she didn't get a headache.

The asshole in name , glared at me with his beautiful emerald eyes. See? Even when there's someone who wants to rip my throat out , I look at their good points!
"What did you just call me , you half."
He spat angrily at me. I narrowed my eyes. "F*ck off , pretty boy."

And he almost lunged at me.

Wow I need to watch my mouth.
"Enough!" Renard boomed. His eye twitched with what I think was irritation. The guy deserved it for dropping this bomb on me.  "You're both partners. Alexander , you are her protector and protectors do not insult the demigods they are to protect. Ienois , remember to never cuss in front of me. I do not tolerate such rudeness. Learn to get along because whether you like it or not , your stuck with each other. Dismissed!"

Hunter mumbled a 'yes,sir.' before glaring at me. "Come on half-blood."
Was there an endless supply of venom in him? I rolled my eyes and followed him. We went to a table that was filled with many other campers. Only two spots across from each other were left. Oh well , you gotta take what you gonna get. I settled down quietly while Hunter settled down with a rattle. Everyone began eating and talking amongst themselves. While I was avoiding my green peas , the boy beside me shifted and took out his hand for me to shake.

"Heya , I'm Zach and I'd like to be friends with you." He beamed at me. Zach was average. I mean he did have good looks with his bright blue eyes and properly styled blond hair. I really really needed a friend at this point anyways. I smiled at Zach and shook his hand.  "Well then , Hi, I'm Ienois but you can call me Nona." The side of my head felt hot. Someone *cough* Hunter *cough* was staring holes at me.

"So , Ienois , your the daughter of Apollo? That's pretty cool you know."

I chuckled. "I don't like him. Who's your godly parent?"

"Hercules. He's the gatekeeper of Olympus but he's a cool dad."

"You actually met your father?!" I whispered in disbelief. Zach grinned and nodded. "A couple of times. Gatekeepers can't be with their families a lot."

Wow , a gatekeeper could meet his son but mine , the oh so mighty sun god couldnt meet his daughter even once! "That's nice. I never met my dad. Left when I was a baby." I murmured and Zach eyes pilled with regret. Ugh wow I was getting super soppy. Before I could regain myself , the devil spoke.

"Probably because you were an accident." Hunter snorted. His emerald eyes were guarded and steely.

I froze. My blood went cold and I just didn't want to deal with him. I stood up and threw my plate along with the peas at him. He deflected the plate but the peas dropped all over him. He looked at me with a shocked expression like he didn't expect me to do that.

I stared back at him , keeping my face as impassive as possible.

"Oops , my hand slipped."

And with that , I stormed off to my room.

The following day , I woke up at the crack of dawn. The sun had yet to rise and I was awake. After I got up , I folded my futon and took out my toothpaste and toothbrush along with my facial wash. As I brushed my teeth , I sighed. My heart felt heavy and I just stared blankly ahead at the trees.

'Probably cause you were an accident'


"Don't have sex in the first place then." Paste frothed out of my mouth and fell on the grass. Well that was unladylike. But it was true. I might have been an accident but he didn't have to phrase it that way. The guy hated me , sure but he needs more delicacy.

After freshening up , I changed into workout clothes , deciding that I needed something to vent at. I pulled my amber hair into a sleek ponytail and pulled on my boots. Stepping out of the room , the campsite was pretty much still asleep.

I took off at the perimeter of the camp , following the tracks on the ground for a jog. While jogging , I remembered a memory of Wiona and I.

"Oh my actual carrots , why must we do this?!" Wiona whined as much as she could while huffing and puffing.

Our instructor , Clarice was watching us in amusement from the field.

"This is easy Nio , your just unfit. Its the CHEESEBURGERS." I teased her while jogging backwards. She scowled and stopped halfway.

"I *huff* I can't *wheeze* run anymore." She crouched and held her head while regaining her breath. I stopped too and walked towards her.

"Try humming a tune while running , it gets me going all the time."

Well that was not a lot of help. She did try doing that and finished three rounds but after that lesson , she never really came back. Leave it to Wiona to bail when it involved training.

By then , I've already completed five rounds. I walked off the track and sat down on the patch of grass , drinking my water slowly.

"Guess you've found the tracks."

Holy Sh— "*COUGH* *COUGH* What *COUGH*" Choking on my water was the most appropriate response I could think of.

Hunter squatted beside me and patted my back. I looked up mid-cough and saw his face scrunched up in worry.

"Sorry for scaring you. You alrite?"

No , I'm not alright. This is the same guy I threw my peas at? Which , I don't regret by the way.

I scowled at him. "What do YOU want?" I stood up and brushed off the small water droplets that fell from the bottle and onto my lap.

He frowned and shook his head before getting up as well. "I wanted to make sure you're okay. I AM your protector."

I scoffed at his words. Yeah right. Protectors are supposed to be nice not mean a-holes like him.
"I don't need a protector. What I need is a trainer." Hunter looked shocked at my words.

Inside , I'm tripping about the fact that I indirectly asked him to be my trainer. I thought I hated him? Yeah well , I just need to get stronger. The stronger I am , the less use of Hunter being my protector.

"I'll be your trainer but my training's pretty strict. I'm pretty sure you have little to none experience in combat." He sighed and I held back the urge to dropkick his butt.

"Just train me." I spoke through gritted teeth. I really really don't like him!

Nodding , he started walking towards an open field. By then , the sun was out shining brightly and campers were awakening , some walking around already.

Hunter stopped and turned around to face me. "I'll go easy on you. Show me what you've got." And with that , we both went into fighting stance.

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