(7) Strong

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I'm breathing heavily and my whole body is tense. My side hurts like heck from the kick he threw but I don't show it. I stare down at Hunter , still in fighting stance.

He groans on the ground in pain. Little to no experience aye?

We are surrounded by the whole troop of campers in a circle , all in awe and gasping. Amongst the crowd stood Renard , smiling proudly.

Shaking my head in exasperation , I gave my hand to Hunter , helping him up. While he took my hand and dusted himself off , Zach bounced out from the crowd and ran to me , grabbing me in a bear hug.

He said the words probably everyone was thinking right now. "THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!" He spun me around and I laughed. Before I got too dizzy , Zach put me down and patted my head considering our height difference , me at 5'6 and him at 5'9.

The crowd was soon dispersed and Hunter stood there still in awe. "Thanks Zach." I grinned up at him. His icy blue eyes shone in pride and he smiled before walking off to resume his training.

"H-How in the world?! I thought you recently learned you were a demigod!" Hunter sputtered in shock while wincing and softly poking the side of his mouth.

I nodded my head. "I did recently learn I was a demigod."

"Then how did you beat me , Hunter Alexander , the best fighter among the protectors!" He was absolutely dumbfounded. I shrugged and started re-tying my ponytail.

"My mom insisted I took aikido , judo and taekwondo as well as basic self defence. Its kinda weird how they were all defence classes but she made me take the basic one too." Ah okay , my ponytail is tight and good to go.

I looked up again and saw Hunter staring at me in....amazement?
"Hunter?" I squinted my eyes and waved my hands in front of his face. He jolted up in shock and just shook his head , getting him out of his little trance.

"Yeah , yeah. How did you manage all those classes? I mean , you took four defence classes. Four." He looked a little confused. Taking those four classes was absolute hell. I didn't like it at all but my mom was pretty adamant. It actually took me exactly four years to finish all of them. I remember breaking down and begging her not to let me go again because I was a pretty geeky kid who got her ass owned a couple hundred times. Looking back now , I realise she was just preparing me for this. For whatever I might face and even these skills wouldn't be enough to protect me but to just buy time.

Instead of telling him all that , I just shook my head and gave him a sad smile. "So , you good to go? I wanna learn combat."

Hunter froze and stared at me with an incredulous look. "With the amount of damage you did to me , you don't even need to train! Your pretty much the best , as much as I hate to admit it."  Now I'm frowning. I placed my hands on my hips and gave him a glare.

"Is this how cocky you are? Why did you think I beat you so easily? Its because you thought you were so freaking mighty and didn't train! I don't care what you think , I'm still very weak and I need more training. If your not gonna do it , I'll have Debra or Zach help me and maybe even Renard." I was practically growling at him. Hunter's eyes had darkened at the mention of Renard and I noticed how they also softened when I said Debra.

Could he be...in love with Debra?
No , Nona this is no time to get involved.
"Don't. I'll train you. What do you want to learn from me?" He gave up trying to get me to not train. I smiled genuinely and went up to him.

"I want to learn how you did that kick. It freaking hurts."

"No , you need to lift your leg higher and then use all your force to kick." Hunter sighed.

"Geez , thanks captain obvious. You know , how 'bout you be my practise dummy so I can kick your ass , again!" My patience was wearing thin with Hunter and I could tell he was feeling the same. We've been practising the roundhouse kick he did to me for over three hours now and I still was not getting it right.

"It's not vicious enough!" He barked with frustration.

"Bloody Hell Hunter Shut Up!" I snapped at him. I really would like to fight him again.

"Okay you know what , this is not working. We stop training now so wake up early tomorrow and we'll train again. " he ran his hand through his messy locks and huffed.

Wordlessly , I gave one last vicious kick to the dummy that I had been practising on before returning to my room. God , I haven't resumed defence training for so long , my whole body ached. The only form of exercise I reluctantly continued was running and even that took so much mental effort.

Its now two in the afternoon. Lunch isn't until another hour so I have some spare time. I hop in the shower since I'm done training for the day and peel off my sweaty and dirty clothes. Oh my carrots , that rancid smell is me!

I scrunched my nose before throwing them in the laundry basket placed right outside my shower door before scrubbing myself clean.  Sighing in content as the warm water eased my tense muscles.

When was I going to start my elemental training? I mean , combat training is cool don't get me wrong but it hurts like a female dog.

As I rinsed out my hair and the soap off my body , a knock rang on my shower door.

"Nona? Are you okay?" I hear Debra's muffled voice over the water.

"I'm fine. Just appreciating being clean." I started drying off and changed into a pair of leggings and a short sleeved hoodie.

Once I came out , Debra pursed her lips. "You were in there for thirty minutes. I got worried."

"I won't die from a shower Debra."

"Yeah and Poseidon doesn't exist , its cool."

Narrowing my eyes at her , I realised she was actually kinda pissed.

"What's wrong Debra? Your not you right now."  She sighed and looked down. Suddenly , the grey tiles were more interesting to her.

"Renardwantstospeakwithyou." she muttered so fast , they came out in a jumble. I tilted my head in confusion.
"¿Cómo?" Now it was Debra's turn to look at me in confusion.

"Did you just speak in Spanish?"

I nodded my head before asking her to repeat what she said before. This time , as usual , hot red blush donned her cheeks as she repeated.

"Renard wants to speak with you. Again. " She whispered the last part but I heard it.

I blinked once before blinking again and bursting out laughing. Debra was full-out pouting at me and I couldn't stop myself. She was too cute being jealous! "I don't find it funny Ienois."

Oh shit , she used Ienois instead of Nona , like my mother.
"I'm sorry , you just looked so cute being jealous," I took a deep breath from laughing and gave her a full out grin , "I know you aren't pleased with Renard talking to me but trust me , he's YOUR boyfriend and a bit too...mature for my taste." She tried to look unaffected but I could tell she was relieved from the way her body relaxed.

Rolling her eyes , she gestured for me to follow her , probably to his office.
I obeyed her and grabbed my shower items and ran back to my room to keep them before following her. My hair was slightly damp , making it look dirty blonde instead of amber coloured. I have to say , out of my golden brown skin and my pale brown eyes , I was a step away from looking like a regular girl if it wasn't for my unusual amber hair.

I looked very similar to my mother , apart from the hair and eyes. My mother had enchanting green eyes but somehow , I got stuck with brown. No doubt , from my father as he was the only other person who I could look like.

Snapping me from my thoughts , Debra abruptly stopped in front of a olive coloured door with a sign that spelt 'Renard Black'.

She knocked on the door before I heard of a muffled 'come in'. Debra returned back to Protector mode and nodded at me to enter before guarding the door.

Inhaling a sharp breath , I twisted the knob and entered.

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