Chapter 2

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I suddenly had the need to go to the toilet - probably because of the juice i've drank too much earlier.

"I need to go to the toilet" i whispered in Gyeong's ear as i fully leaned into her so no one could hear me.

"Okay" she whispered back with a friendly smile on her face. I stood up and quickly left the room to go to the toilet.

I finished what i wanted to do and washed my hands as i looked into the mirror in front of me. The instant i finished, three girls entered the toilet making me startled at how dangerous and high class they seemed. They smirked at me as their deadly gaze bored into me, i ignored them and walked past them to leave the toilet as fast as i could. They really were scary making me think if they are antagonists in stories i've read or seen on the tv. While walking, i turned my head around to check if they weren't following me and to my surprise; they were. They suddenly pushed me into an empty classroom before i could say something. My force was useless compared to both of theirs. One of the girls closed the door behund us when the 2 other girls approached me slowly.

"Look, whe have our new victim" the girl with long black hair began. She had the most deadly glare of them three making me almost pee in my underwear.

"Who are you and ... w-what do you want?" I asked them trying not to sound weak but i unfortunately had to stutter.

"as if this isn't clear," she said "we're going to scare the hell put of you, little girl." Her voice was kind of mixed with seriousness, something bothered her and not to forget; she was proud of what she was doing allthough everyone knew how bad this whole scene is.

"Let me go." i simply talked back and tried to walk past them but they stopped me by pushing my shoulder back as they blocked my way to the door. Te door suddenly bursted open and 4 persons dashed in as they pushed the 3 girls - which i still don't know the name of - away.

"Are you okay?" Asked Minsuh worriedly as she ran up to my side.

"yes." i replied and sighed in relief. I seriously thought that i was dying in here. 

"Why are you doing this, leave her alone!" Yelled Junseo angrily.

"I hate you all!" The girl yelled back and left the classroom with the two other girls.

"Really, Eunmi? you need to be carefull with her." Gyeong explained softly. She knew that being new in this school caused a lot of problems for the person self so Eunmi couldn't do anything.

"Who is she?" I asked them.

"Her name is Jiwoo, she's the biggest bully in our school." Doyun explained 

"Why do they want to bully me?" I asked them a bit scared.

"You're a little girl, you're innocent, they know that you let yourself go easily. You are an easy prey to them." Minsuh explained as she patted my head as if i was a small child.

"You're right." i said a bit giggling. My personality was like thay so i can't just adjust myself because of some crazy girls trying to bring me down. They laughed at my words.

"You don't need to be shy, we're your friends. We will help you." Junseo said proudly.

"We need to go to our classroom, classes begin." Gyeong said as she took a glance at her watch.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, my backpack is still in the other room where we ate."

They nodded and went to the classroom. I quickly ran to the room where we ate and took my backpack who was lying on the floor. I almost got a heart attack when someone stepped inside the empty classroom.

"Do you think I've finished with you yet?" Jiwoo asked irritatedly. I turned around and looked at her with a shocked expression. I didn't know what to do when she approached me. Because she was alone i easily could run away and thay was exactly whay i did. I kept running through the corridors intil I bumped into someone. I  looked us as i felt dizzy, my sight came slowly back making me realise that i bumped into a handsome boy. He had chubby cheeks and just smiled cutely at me.

"Oh, i'm really sorry." i apologize and bowed in form of respect.

"No problem, are you alright?" He asked me still smiling. Hid smile was really sweet allthough we didn't know each other.

"Yes" i replied with a shy smile as i quickly made my to the classroom.


*ring ring*

The bell rang, signaling that the school day was over. I grabbed my books and left the classroom after i bowed to the teacher. At the schoolgate i said bye to my friends and walked home. On my way home, i walked past a pet shop. Full curiosituy i looked through the window and saw sleeping puppies. One puppy slept with his head on the back of the other sleeping one making me almost melt at how cute they were. I always wanted to have a puppu and one day i will buy a tiny one which i will raise. I smiled to myself after i thought about it.

I walked down the street as a busker was playing an intrument which i found really beautiful. I gave him a few coins in his hat which was lying on the ground. He smiled at me and kept playing the instrument. I stood there for almost 10 minutes to listen to the music he produced. I then remembered that i had to go home so i checked the time on my phone. My eyes widened as i really was late, i had to be home since a long time ago. I panicked and quickly ran home. Father will be very angry anyway so i can't turn the time back and running faster wouldn't help. I entered my house and the silence already gave me sweat on my forehead.

"Eunmi?" That's father's voice.

"Ye?" I replied scaredly and kicked my shoes off.

"Why are you late home?" He asked coldly. His voice filled with pure hate.

"I was just looking at a busker and some puppies." I simply replied.

"Come here." he commanded angrily.

"Do you think the house is naturally clean and the food get itself ready?" He yelled and hitted me in my stomach. He kicked me and hitted my head harshly which made me stumble. I ran upstairs and locked myself up in my bedroom. I started crying as i sat down on my bed. My hand was hurting and my lip was bleeding. I took care of my wounds, took a couple of plasters and stuck it on my scratches. After that i went to sleep like that. I was hurted physically and emotionally.

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