Chapter 14

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I came home from school, and plopped myself on the couch. My father is at a café and Eunjoon works as usual. This day wasn't passing fast, i took off my shoes. I'm too lazy to get up so i threw them on the floor.

My stomach was grumbling. I stepped into the kitchen and made spaghetti. It was really delicious. After eating i washed the plates and glasses i used. I put them in the drawer and went back to the couch.

I got a message from someone. I opned it and my heart stopped for a moment. This can't be true. My eyes filled with tears.

It was a picture with Jimin and Jiwoo kissing. How can he? Is he cheating on me? With Jiwoo!?

I needed fresh air so i went to the nearest park. I sat on a bench. Fresh tears escaped my eyes. I tried to stop them but failed. The picture appeared, the more i think about it, how more tears slides down my cheek.

Someone sat next to me on the bench. I didn' look so i don't know who it is, i do not want that person sees my red eyes and tears.

"you've seen the picture" the person said. I know who it was.


He looked ahead and not at me. But when i looked up he turned to me and made eye-contact with me.
I nodded.

"Do you believe what you've seen?" He asked.

"I don't know, Jimin wouldn't do that but the picture looks real"

"Jimin loves you with his heart"

"Everytime i'm with him, he talks about you..."

"He said that you're the perfect one for him, the person who he will married in the future and that you will be the mother of his kids."
"He wants to protect you till the end"

"And later..."

"He would grow old with you and..."

"He want his grave next to that of yours . He wants to show you how much he loves you." Yoongi said everything.

I didn't know Jimin told Yoongi such things like that. He want a life with me? I love him too.

"If you know that Jimin loves you, why would he kiss another girl instead of you?" He's right.

"Do you think the picture is real? It's fake, it's as fake as Jiwoo" yoongi said and smiled at me.

"Don't believe it. It's all fake. They didn't kiss each other."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Jimin has told me that" he patted my back when he noticed that tears filled my eyes. Not of sadness but of joy.

"Thank you Yoongi" i smiled at him.

"You're welcome" i hugged him, i felt that Yoongi released me a bit and looked ahead. I released him and followed his gaze. In front of us was Jimin standing with his hands in his pockets.

"I think i must go, bye Eunmi, bye hyung" Yoongi waved at us and left. I waved back and Jimin nodded. After Yoongi left, there was only silent between Jimin and i. I didn't look at him. I'm not angry nor happy. Yoongi has helped me a lot and I know that the picture isn't real. But now, i don't know what to say or what Jimin will say.

He sighed and sat down next to me. I looked up and met his eyes. His eyes full guilt and sadness.

"You saw the picture" he said softly. I nodded.

"Eunmi, i'm sorry...." i cut him off.

"Anni, you shouldn't feel guilty. Yoongi told me everything and he's right. You're not a person who likes to hurt me. Yoongi told me that you love me the most and that you want to grown old with me." Jimin smiled lighty.

"Did Yoongi said that?" He blushed. I nodded. He took my hand and interrwined our fingers. I smiled at him.

"Eunmi...i felt bad for making you cry...i will avoid it"

"I love you Eunmi"

"I love you too Jimin" he came closer till his face was inches from mine. He looked at my eyes and slowly he looked down at my lips. I did the same. I felt his breath on my face and the next thing i felt...

soft, plump lips pressed on mine.

I closed my eyes and respond. It was my first kiss.

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