Thank You

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Thank You

I don't know when we first started talking,

All I know is I don't want to stop.

We have so much in common

And I love just sitting and talking with you

About anything and everything,

And even though you're sometimes mean to me

We both know you're only joking.

I love your smile when you laugh

And I love knowing I'm the one that put it there.

I know you haven't had it easy-

I want to learn more about your past

And help you through the hard times

Because, although you don't know it,

You became my friend when no one else wanted to

At a time when I was feeling low.

You made me feel a lot better about myself,

Showed me that not all boys are heartless,

And you help me forget about the dick who broke my heart,

Even if it's only for a little while.

I owe you a lot and

I want you to trust me more

So I can help you

Like you helped me.

Because no one deserves to feel sad and lonely,

Especially no one as kind as you.

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