1. Let Me Introduce You

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Hey Guys :) so this is my first time writing a story so to be honest, I'd appreciate any comment or vote I get :) I do try to spellcheck everytime before I post a chapter :)

This is the first chapter so I hope you guys enjoy it and if you don't please tell me what I can improve :) Id really appreciate it :) Thank you.xx

Chapter One

 "Hannah! Get up!"

I groaned as I put one of the pillows over my head. Unfortunately only a few moments later it was off again.

"Hannah! Get up right this minute!  Unless you want to be late for school!" My mother shouted which if I may say, was completely unnecessary.

Shit. I completely forgot school. How?  Probably because today was the first day after the summer holidays and who doesn't want to forget school on a day like this?

I rubbed my eyes, put my duvet to the side and went for a shower.  I then quickly got dressed and dried my hair. I looked myself in the mirror. 'Good enough for the first day' I thought to myself, shrugging before making my way downstairs from which a delightful smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils.

"Good morning." I said to my dad who was reading a newspaper.  

He looked up. "Hey sweetheart. Excited for the first day?"

"Totes." I faked a smile making him laugh. 

"You used to love school. I don't know what happened." My mum said piling my plate with breakfast.

"Mum, high school happened." I reminded her.

"I don't know what's up with teenagers these days. High school years were the best years of my life." She said glancing over to my dad who laughed.

"Oh I remember the days!"

"Yeah well, the times have changed." I stuffed my mouth with food.


"Hannah!" A high pitched voice called.

I didn't have to look to know it was my best friend. "Lay, you haven't seen me in only a few days." I laughed hugging her.

"A few days too long!" She exclaimed. "Can you be any taller?!"

I chuckled. "It's the heels."

"Heels my ass." She grunted.

Layna wasn't small, she just liked over exaggerating how tall I was. She was an average height for a girl, with brown straight hair and hazel eyes. I on the other hand was only a bit above average with my height with blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. 

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