8. Explanations

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Chapter Eight

I lay here in the clinically white hospital room, staring at the ceiling. That's all I could do.

Once we were here, Kyle called my parents as the doctors had me examined. They were here in no time. I will never forget my mum's horrified eyes when she stepped into the room and my dad's saddened face. I didn't know what to say. Only a hug could show them I was fine.

Soon after the doctor came in saying I had 3 broken ribs from the kick. Thankfully that was it except for the numerous deep bloody cuts and bruises which were now turning green purple, colouring my body in all the visible spots. The doctor said I should stay overnight and let me out in the morning once they put a bandage around my chest and ribs area.

At midnight, Jake, Layna, Josh, Casey and Luke came to visit. They all walked in through the door one by one, looking at me with an expression that screamed.  'I've just seen a ghost.'

"Hey." I croaked.

Casey suddenly ran up to me and softly hugged me. "I'm so sorry." 

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For not being there." Luke stepped towards me, placing a kiss on my forehead, a guilty look on his face.

"It's not your fault."

"If I—"

"I'm a seventeen year old teenage girl. I can look after myself. This is only Derek's fault. He was drunk and didn't know—"

"Wait, it was Derek?" Layna exclaimed. 

"The guy who watched us so closely in the lunch hall on my first day?" Luke asked.

I nodded.

"I'm going to kill that mother fucker." Luke growled.

"Luke, please don't—"

"I don't even want to hear it Hannah. I won't let him off."

"Luke!" I managed to yell, painting shocked expressions on my other friends faces. "Kyle's already said he'll take care of it. So leave him to it."

Luke turned around, rage plastering his face. "Kyle?" He spat. "You let that dude that's fucked you up for the past 5 years take care of this and won't let your boyfriend?! What the fuck is that?"

"He knows Derek. That's why! He'll deal with him. It's none of your business—"

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"Yeah but it was Kyle who saved me! It was him who heard me and came!" Why was Luke not letting me explain? I wish I could scream; maybe he's listen. But I couldn't. I was way too weak.

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