10. Trying to Impress

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I havent updated in ages but I havent really had time to edit and I didnt want to post something that wasn't fully great :) But here's chapter 10 ;)

Chapter Ten

The next morning I woke up with the most unbearable pain around my rib area. Oh yeah, that's because they were fucking broken! I got out of bed and took a long shower. As soon as I walked out the bathroom my mum walked into my room.

"Look who's finally up?" She laughed. "You've got 40 minutes to get ready."

My eyes widened. "40? I thought it was at noon!"

"It is. And it's 11." My mum looked at me, confused. 

Fuck. I overslept.  "Damn it. My alarm didn't go off."

My mum laughed. "Oh Hannah."

"Why didn't you wake me up mum?" I asked raffling through my wardrobe.

"I was sure you would wake up on your own." She shrugged. "40 minutes." And with that she left. 

I found a teal/turquoise dress that I bought two weeks ago with Casey and matched a pair of nude peep toe Christian Louboutin's and a Michael Kors cream studded bag. A watch, earrings and a simple necklace was good enough as accessories in my opinion.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit was nothing special but formal enough for a business party and yet comfortable enough to not squeeze the bandaged ribs. Unfortunately the makeup didn't help cover up the bruises and scratches on my face. I straightened my hair and made my way downstairs. 

"You look great honey." My dad smiled.

"Thanks dad."

"Well, let's get going."


After a fifteen minute drive we arrived outside a restaurant.  Quite a big one actually. Inside, there were already crowds of people, around the buffet table, or surrounding one of the big banners with the logo of my dad's company.

My parents quickly said bye to me and joined one of the crowds. This always happened; I had to be there to prove the support my dad had from me. But as soon as we'd arrive at one of these parties or conventions, my parents would go off and I'd be bored to death for the next 8-10 hours. Horrible.

I sighed scanning the room. My eyes focused on the buffet remembering I had no breakfast, so like a lady, I casually walked up to it and then piled the plate with enough food to create a mini Mount Everest.  Yes Hannah, very lady like.

I could feel a few eyes on me, especially the stick skinny bitches, but I'd rather be stuffed than starved so yolk!

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