3. New Boy

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Hey, so time for chapter 3 :) A new person joins this chapter :) Tell me what you think of him, and what you think might happen between him and Hannah :)

Chapter Three

The weekend went by in no time. Before I knew it, it was Monday again. So I regretfully got out if bed, took a shower and got ready.

"What about breakfast?" My mum shouted as I came downstairs, kissed her on the cheek and took nothing but a bottle of water.

"No time." I closed the door behind me and climbed in my car. 

The truth was, I could have easily just sat down and had breakfast but I had History first period this morning, and nothing was going to stop me from being in class on time so I could get any other seat than the one next to Kyle.

Once in school, I rushed to my locker, took my history book out and made my way to the class eager to call dibs on a chair and to my joy I managed to get one two rows in front of Kyle where I could feel safe and peaceful.

As he walked past he bent down to my level and whispered. "I'll be watching you." His minty fresh breath brushing against my skin giving me goose bumps.

"Not creepy at all." I retorted. 

He chuckled before making his way to the back of the classroom.

As everyone else sat down an unfamiliar boy entered the classroom and walked up to Mr Collins desk.

I looked the boy up and down. He had a light brown mop of curls on his head that framed his face and complimented his big green eyes. He was slim and tall wearing fitted jeans and a checked shirt. His bag wasn't on his back but held over his shoulder with his right arm while he tapped our teachers shoulder with the left.

Mr Collins straightened up and examined the new boy.

"You must be Mr Archer."

"Yes sir." The boy nodded smiling.  As he did so, his lip curved to the side and a few of his bright white teeth came on show. Dayum he was cute!

"Well," Mr Collins cleared his throat turning to face the class. "We have a new student joining our class. Mr Archer, who will kindly tell us something about himself."

I felt sorry for the boy being put on the spot like that. But he didn't seem to mind as he also cleared his throat and smiled, making his eyes sparkle. 

"My first name is Luke."


"I moved here from Briton with my parents and younger sister and..." he tapped his chin thinking of something to say. "I absolutely love history?" He concluded with a huge grin and his thumbs up to the teacher as he looked at Luke and laughed.

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