44. I Should Have Known

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Chapter Forty-Four

Monday came way too quickly. With the recent events, high school was the last place I wanted to be, surrounded by the constant glares, whispers and giggles. And considering Kyle cheated on me with Jade, I was prepared to hear about a hundred different stories on the topic. 

I reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed for the day. I could go for the option I chose on Friday which was dressing equivalent to my mood. Or I could try overcome my mood by dressing as if I was in the best mood ever. And I decided to choose option two.

So I went for a creme pocketed loose blouse on top of a pair of high wasted green zip up leggings. I put a black blazer on top with some chain detailing and a pair of black platform leather pumps. And after a final look in the mirror,  I was ready for school.


As I walked into school I could already feel the piercing stares. The whispers filled the corridor,  thinking they were all subtle. Pathetic.

"Look who we have here." A loud annoyingly high voice spoke from behind me.

I turned on my heels to face it. "Why are you so surprised Jade? I go to this school."

She laughed. "Well if I was humiliated in the same way as you, I would of swapped schools instantly." She told me before flicking her hair dramatically.  "But then again, that would never happen to me because I'm what every guy wants."

I rolled my eyes. "I should have known you would be behind all of this."

She gasped dramatically. "Are you saying that Kyle has no blame in this whatsoever?"

I shook my head. "Oh he does. But I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have done it himself."

"Oh sweetie. It's sad how little you know him." She cooed.

"Fuck you Jade." I huffed, turning away from her as I started walking.

"Guess who did?" I heard her laugh. 

At that point it took every muscle and nerve in my body to stop myself from turning back around and slapping the life out of the bitch. I took a deep breath and just carried on walking,  as far away from my worries and stress as possible.


The day thankfully ended before I even knew it. I hadn't seen Kyle in school whatsoever and that was lucky considering I sat next to him in history. I drove home quickly, wanting to just get to the comfort of my own home.

As I was fiddling in my bag for my keys I heard someone walk up behind me. 

"Hannah." My body froze at how strange my name sounded in his voice. I was so used to hearing him call me 'princess' and as hard as it was to admit it, I missed it. "Hannah, please listen to me." He pleaded.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, turning around. "There's really nothing you could say to make me forgive you Kyle."

"Hannah, I meant every single word I said at the beach. You have to realise that. You can't listen to Jade." He told me. "What I did on Friday, that was unacceptable—"

"Kyle," I shook my head, trying to hide back the tears. "I don't want to hear it."

"But I have to tell you." He insisted. "I admit to doing wrong, because if I'm going to be honest with you, it wasn't all Jade's fault. I wanted it."

My mouth dropped open as I let the tears flow from what I had just heard. I didn't expect to hear that. I wasn't expecting for him to want to cheat on me. "You what?" I croaked.

He sighed. "I was just so used to it. I've been with Jade for so long. And mine and yours relationship was so different—"

"You mean it just wasn't good enough." I corrected. "Jade was completely right. I wasn't giving you enough so you thought that she could satisfy you behind my back?"

"No Hannah, I love you I really—"

"Dont you fucking dare say that to me Kyle." I cried, tears streaming down my face. "You don't have to lie to me or yourself anymore. This isn't love!"

"Yes it is Hannah." He insisted. "I've never felt like this about anyone before. You have to believe me."

I shook my head, not even bothering to wipe the constant streams of tears on my face. "I can't listen to this bullshit Kyle. If you loved me you wouldn't cheat!" I told him. "You broke me Kyle. You broke my heart, my trust. You just broke me. You pretended to be there for me when I was weak, just, just so you could crush me even harder." I cried, running out of breath. 

He shook his head apologetically. "I didn't want that to happen. I'm so sorry. Seeing you like this breaks my—"

"You don't have a heart Kyle." I screamed. "And if you do, it doesn't have a care in the world for me."

"Hannah please—"

"Go Kyle." I cried. "Please, I don't want to see you. This is over. We are over." My voice was barely I whisper by this point. My weakness had taken over as I opened my front door, and as soon as I was inside,  I leaned on it, sliding down towards the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, almost searching for some comfort.  The comfort that I had just lost.

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