The Day You Met

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You had moved into a house just across from the Matsuno's. Seeing as you didn't really have those many friends, you decided to pay the neighbors a visit and hopefully make some.

You were often depicted as a loner, seeing as you were always found by yourself, or doing things by yourself. Being alone never bothered you that much, although you wished that you had someone to talk to, other than your parents.

You put on a bright (F/C) polo shirt and a short (S/C) skirt. "Hmm, this outfit'll do." You spoke to yourself as you swung your purse over your shoulder.

Since you loved baking, you decided to bring over a basket of sweets for them to try. You wanted to give a good first impression, after all.

After making your way across the street, you shyly knocked on the door, the sound being barely audible. No wonder you didn't make friends. You were always extremely shy.

You knocked on the door harder, enough to make a noise, this time, and the door swung open, revealing a man with a red hoodie on, and appeared to be staring right at your..boobs?!

You made a quick "Ahem," before asking to come inside. He nodded and you entered, slightly uneasy.

"Oi, what's with the basket?" He asked.

"I-I uhm.. brought some sweets for you-" You were cut off as you realized that he had switched shirts. He was now wearing a.. purple hoodie? Wait, something's wrong here.

You turned around, only to see 6 people with the same face, staring at you in confusion. You yelped and fell backwards. "O-one, two th-three, four.. f-five.. SIX?!" You exclaimed loudly.

The brothers blinked at you. "Yeah, we're sextuplets."

"S-sextuplets..? W-whaa.."

You sat down and spoke to all of them, getting to know each of them and their personalities. Jyushimatsu, was the cheerful one, he always had a smile planted upon his face, and was rather goofy but nonetheless, but fun to be around.

Ichimatsu was weird. You could sense a strong, dark aura whenever you were around him, and it made you uneasy. He also had a somewhat wicked sense of humor and referred to himself as "Un-burnable trash without a will to live."

Choromatsu didn't even talk to you at all. He just sat as far away from you as he could, staring at you with a blush on his face. When you confronted him, he stuttered out in response and excused himself outside.

Osomatsu still had his eyes locked onto your breasts, causing you to cover them up with your arms folded around your chest, and you shot him a glare.

Todomatsu was awfully kind, he took a selfie with you as you both discussed about the latest fashion trends. He was somewhat girly, but that made him all the more relatable to you.

Out of all of the brothers, Karamatsu seemed the most appealing to you. You really loved poets, and he was a book full of them. He made a whole bunch of cheesy lines and said them to you as his brothers rolled their eyes in response, but were all surprised when you started giggling at his corny words.

You decided that it was about time to leave, as you had nothing more to talk about, so after giving them the basket of freshly baked goods, you left after being there for an hour and a half.

That was the first time that you've ever seen sextuplets, and you were beyond fascinated. They all seemed.. pretty weird, but that's fine, you couldn't really say anything about it, since you were pretty weird yourself.

The next day, you could hear your doorbell ring.

You rubbed your eyes and opened your door, only to see the Bluematsu before you, guitar in hand, smiling as bright as he could.

"Huh?" You asked him, confused. "What's going on?"

"Since you gave us the gift of sweets, I have decided to give you the gift of music!" Karamatsu smiled again.

You looked at him questionably. "Ah, what the heck. Go ahead." You smiled back at him and invited him inside.

He sat down across from you and began to strum a song on his guitar.

The rest of your morning was spent with him, serenading you with his deep voice.

At first, you were nervous to live in this neighborhood, but now, you felt at home.

Soon enough, you and Karamatsu developed a friendship, and he would pay you a visit every once in a while.

Before long, your shyness faltered drastically, and you soon became an outgoing person who was no longer afraid to make new friends.

Karamatsu x Reader One-Shots (Fluff) Where stories live. Discover now