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You couldn't believe your ears as you stared at the man, now bent down on one knee, with a tiny box placed in his palms. With him opening it, he spoke. "Oh, my dearest (Y/N), will you do the honors of being my wife and marrying me?"

You gasped, wondering if your ears deceived you, yet your eyes were locked on the stunningly sparkling ring, which confirmed your suspicions.

You felt your eyes burning from joy. Sniffling, you managed to blurt out the words as you spoke. "O-of course I will! Yes, yes!!"

He smirked in response and held your hand, slipping the expensive ring onto your finger. You jumped into his arms in pure bliss and joy. "I love you so much, Karamatsu!"

"So do I, my darling~"

"..Wait, you mean me, right?" You asked, unsure if he was referring to himself.

"Huh? Of course I do!"

You giggled. "How'd you afford this ring anyways?"

"I've been saving my winnings on pachinko for you, since you are my one and only Karamatsu Girl."

You glanced down at the ring that was now apparent on your finger and smiled. "It's beautiful, thank you, sweetie." You kissed his cheek gently, making him melt.

"B-but of course! Too bad it falters in the pathway of your beauty." He smirked again. "For every ring pales in comparison."

"Oh, you."


Your wedding day came quicker than expected, and finally, the day you've been awaiting for had arrived.

You made your way across the aisle as the wedding music played loudly. You held a beautiful bouquet of flowers in your hands, smiling cheerfully. You couldn't believe it. You were about to get married. It had always been a huge dream for you.

You noticed that Karamatsu was standing at the end, a soft, pink, blush upon his facial features, as he awaited you to approach him.

He looked so cute and you had to almost force yourself to not tackle and kiss him right there and now.

"We are gathered here today to unite this man, Karamatsu, and this woman, (Y/N) in the bonds of matrimony."

The whole Matsuno family, some friends, even some acquaintances had come to you and Karamatsu's wedding today. Their mother was holding a tissue, all while being at the brink of tears, whilst the sextuplets glared at Karamatsu with envy. But nevertheless, you knew that they were happy for the both of you.

You were clad in a long white wedding dress with flowers along the side. The gown was so long that it was touching the ground. You didn't really like wearing long dresses because you'd always find yourself tripping over them. You didn't have much of a choice, however. It was either this, or that one other dress Karamatsu suggested that was literally covered in glitter. You didn't want anyone to go blind on your wedding day, now did you? That'd ruin it for everyone.

Long story short, you settled for this dress instead. You're honestly surprised that Karamatsu didn't arrive there wearing a fucking ridiculously huge sparkling tuxedo.

"Ms. (Y/N), do you take this oh, so painful man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"
"If so, answer " I DO."

"I-I do!" You found yourself stuttering in pure happiness. You were about to get married to the man you loved most in the world. Who could blame you?

The priest repeated the same words to Karamatsu.

"I-I do," He said, a slight blush on his facial features.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Apparently he didn't hear what the priest said and continued to talk.

"And I promise to never ever stop loving you, my sweetheart. For you are the fuel to my burning fire, my l--" He was cut off quickly as you pressed your lips to him, abruptly stopping his little speech.

His face turned bright red and he froze due to the unexpected lip contact. He quickly recovered, held you by the waist, and dipped you. Your feet barely touched the ground, and he kissed you even more passionately. He wasn't a very good kisser, you couldn't complain, as the same went for you.

After a few seconds, you both broke the kiss. You looked at Karamatsu, only to find him crying a waterfall and smiling as wide as he could. He hasn't been this happy in a long time.

Everyone congratulated you both. Karamatsu's parents both hugged you and welcomed you into the family, as did the brothers.

Of course your new mother-in-law couldn't pass up the chance to ask you both about considering giving her some grandchildren. You told her that you'd keep it in mind, earning a blush from Karamatsu as he stared at you in disbelief.

"AFTERPARTY!! AFTERPARTY!!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed loudly.

You giggled. This night had only just begun.

Authors note:

I've actually written this a while before. I was intending on making it a story, but I couldn't think of anything else to do for it. I decided to put it here, instead. I hope you liked it!

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