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You couldn't believe your eyes. You stared at the red plus sign for what seemed to be hours. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, it was too much to take in.

You discarded the pregnancy test and ran into your room. You buried your face into your pillow. How would Karamatsu take this? Did he even want children?? Multiple questions flooded your mind. Of course he would, he loved you, and he'd love your baby as well.

Plus, you couldn't keep it a secret. Sure, you could just wear baggy clothes, but what'll you say to him once a baby 'appears out of nowhere'? Yeah, exactly. You had to tell him, and you had to tell him now.

You quickly ran over to grab your sweater, followed by you throwing on your shoes and running over to the Matsuno residence. Your feet felt like lead as you made your way over to their house, a part of you was scared to tell Kara the news. What if he'd.. take it the wrong way..? No, he wouldn't do that... would he?

You raised your hand to knock, but as soon as you did, the door was yanked open. Oh. He was just about to go somewhere. "H-hey, Karamatsu." You spoke gingerly.

"Huh? I was just on my way to visit you, my sweet! For it seems that there must be an invisible force, much like a magnet, pulling us together into the bonds of-"


You cut him off, making him frown. You didn't mean to be rude, but you were very anxious and he probably would've went rambling on for hours upon hours.

You fumbled with your fingers, something that you did when you were stressed, and Karamatsu caught onto it.

"Ah," he spoke. "What is it, my dear?" He noticed your actions and immediately looked worried.

"I-I.." You couldn't get the words out, no matter how hard you tried. "I-I'm.. u-uh.. how do I p-put this..?"

Karamatsu tilted his head, his thumb on his chin. You tried to figure out some way to tell him your situation, but you kept on stuttering.

Karamatsu looked extremely worried. He had never seen you like this before. Were you going to leave him? He anxiously awaited to hear the rest of your sentence.

You decided to tell him a different way. "Uhh.. r-remember when we... uhm.. you know?" You gently tapped his shoulder. He gave a look of confusion, before coming to realization and a blush crept onto his face.

"Are.. you..?" He spoke softly, his deep voice faltered greatly. "Wasn't that like.. a.. a m-month ago?" He asked you, to which you nodded.

"I didn't get my period since.. and today, my stomach felt awful, I spent the entire day with my face in the toilet.."

You looked down, holding your still yet to show, belly.

Karamatsu stepped over to you, cupping your cheek with his hand, tears rolled off of your cheeks like streams as you looked at him. He smiled and kissed you gently.

After he pulled away, he immediately hugged you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "I-I'm going to be a father... I-I.. oh my god.." This time around, he was the one to cry. But they were tears of happiness.

He removed his arms from you and dropped to the ground onto one knee, holding up a black box to you.

"Heh. I-I was actually on my way to your place to propose to you... better this time than any, I guess." He looked up to you, his eyes shining.

"My dear, sweet, [Name].. will y-you marry me?" He was proposing to you. You couldn't believe it. He wasn't mad at all. "Yes!! Of course I will!" You sniffed, tears pouring down your cheeks like a waterfall.

He slipped the ring onto your finger, (A ring that had multiple tiny diamonds that formed his face.) and kissed your hand, now standing up.

You let out a loud sob and wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling into his chest. You were so happy. You were going to have a son or daughter with the man you loved most in the world.

He blushed and kissed your forehead. "I love you, I love you." He spoke softly to you. You smiled against him, smiling more at the sight of your ring.

You were engaged. And pregnant. Oh gosh, a lot of things were going on today.

You couldn't wait to tell everyone about the news.

Karamatsu x Reader One-Shots (Fluff) Where stories live. Discover now