Seven | The Pittsburgh Penguins

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≫ Sidney - Wednesday, December 9, 2015 ≪

"Babe," Everly stood over me, a hand on my shoulder as she shook me awake. "I've gotta go to the rink and you've got to get up and ready to go to practice."

I slowly sat up, taking in Everly as she stood in front of me with her skates dangling from her fingertips and in tight black leggings, a black sweatshirt, black and white sneakers, and a black bookbag slung over her shoulders, all given to her by her sponsor, Nike. I grabbed at her waist, pulling her to me. "I can get dressed and take you to the rink if you'd like." The UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex had opened just a few days prior, so Everly and I no longer practiced in the same facility. 

She turned to look at the clock on the bedside table. "Can you get ready in twenty minutes?" She asked before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"I can do it in fifteen." She chuckled and stepped out of my arms and began to leave her bedroom.

She stopped in the doorway and turned back around to me. I yanked my eyes up from her butt and met her eyes, but she had already noticed. "Did you get a good look?" I laughed. "What do you want for breakfast?"

I was stunned. "You don't have to make me breakfast,"

"Sid," Everly warned. "You're going to eat before we leave here."

"Is oatmeal going to be too much to ask for?" I asked sitting up, Everly shook her head.

"Rolled or steel-cut?"

"Rolled," I decided, making her smile.

"Do you want bananas, blueberries, or apples?"

I stood up to stretch. "You don't have to do all of tha-" Everly raised her eyebrows. "Bananas are good."

"Do you want me to make you your protein shake or do you want a glass of milk?"

I laughed. "You really don't have to do all of thi-"

She grinned. "Protein shake coming right up," She turned on her heel, making her way down the hall to the kitchen. "I don't even know why I asked." She mumbled, mostly to herself.

I shook my head as I stepped into her bathroom to brush my teeth. "You're too good to me, Everly Grace!"

She laughed loudly. "I know!"

"Can you try and not be late picking me up today?" I rolled my eyes at the blonde in my passenger seat.

"It was five minutes, Ev." Everly pressed her lips together in a fine line, clearly unimpressed.

"It was eight minutes, Sidney." I smiled at her grumpy face, making her smirk. "Two o'clock." She reminded.

"I'll be here at 1:59, baby." Everly grinned and leaned across the console to kiss me.

"Be careful at practice!" She chirped, a poke at her witnessing me trip over my own feet and land face down on the ice just a few days earlier.

I laughed sarcastically as she opened her door and hopped out of the car onto the pavement. "You're hilarious, Ev!"

"I'm thinking about taking it on the road, Squid!"

"You are coming to dinner tonight, right?" I eyed Carl carefully.

"What dinner?" I asked and many of the boys broke up with laughter. "Was I invited?"

Kris laughed. "Both you and Everly are invited to dinner tonight, all of the wives and girlfriends are coming. We're gonna come skate here after dinner since none of the girls have seen the new space yet." 

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