Fifteen | D.C.

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TW: Alcohol, Mentions of Sex

Everly - Sunday, January 17, 2016

"Are you able to do a lot of sightseeing when you travel?" I asked, slipping my feet into a pair of black heels.

Sidney laughed, coming out of the bathroom, clasping his watch together on his wrist. "No, not really," He explained, now pulling a belt through the loops on his dress pants. "If we do any sightseeing, we do it as a part of team building."

"Oh," I remarked. "That's kind of sad, you do all of this traveling and never get to go explore," Sidney thought for a moment and then nodded, slowly.

"I've never even seen the National Monuments," He revealed. "I've never been to a state for leisure purposes." He paused. "I've never been to another country to vacation. I've really been missing out!" I laughed, nodding my head, as I stood up and straightened my dress out.

"We should go walk the mall tomorrow, see the sights, play tourist. Then, in the summer, I think we should go to Europe." Sidney nodded, slipping his wallet in his pants pocket and then offering his hand out to me.

"Ready, beautiful?" I blushed, putting my hand in his.

After a lot of research on Yelp on our way up to D.C. from Raleigh, I found an upscale surf and turf restaurant in Georgetown, near our hotel. I was able to get a last-minute reservation under my name, afraid that using Sidney's name in enemy territory wouldn't get us very far. Sidney ordered what had to have been the biggest steak I had ever seen and the most expensive bottle of 19-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon I had ever tasted. He was usually a rum drinker, a Captain Morgan, and Coke, or a Ron Zacapa Solera 23 on the rocks when he was feeling fancy, but he was flexible and would drink whatever was put in front of him. I was strictly a White Claw or glass of red kinda girl, which is why, I'm assuming, Sidney ordered the wine.

"So, Everly Grace," He began, lifting his wine glass and swirling the dark liquid around. We had made it halfway through the bottle by the time we made it around to dessert. "Let's talk about us,"

I looked around, the restaurant, full when we sat down, was now nearly empty. We were closing in on 10 PM now. "Okay,"

Sidney sat his glass down on the white table cloth before reaching across the table for my hand. "So, you're my girlfriend, obviousl-"

I lifted an eyebrow. "Am I?"

Sidney let go of my hand, sitting back into his side of the booth, a puzzled look written on his face. "You're not?"

"You never did officially ask, you know?" I teased.

Sidney cracked a smile. "I thought telling you I loved you, sealed the deal there, Ev,"

I took a sip of wine. I then put my hand to my chest. "I am a lady, you need to ask officially, Sidney." He smiled.

"Seriously, Ev?" He asked, his voice laced with laughter.

I nodded. "I am being so serious, Sidney,"

He shook his head, but slid out of the booth across from me and stood up. He now stood in front of me, a little light on his feet from the alcohol, and grabbed for my hand again. He bent down, shooting to kneel on one knee, but put both down.

"I'm a little too tipsy for one knee," He explained, laughing. "Everly, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was laughing, tugging on his arm to stand up. "Of course, Squid," He stood up, with one hand on the back of the booth and one on the table, he leaned over, dangling himself just above me. I watched as his biceps flexed, nearly popping the seams of his dress shirt. His quadriceps seemed to be ready to bulge out of his black pants. He kissed me once, then twice, quickly. He began to pull away, but I grabbed for the collar of his shirt, pulling him back to my lips. "We need," I paused to kiss him again. "To leave,"

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