Chapter 4 (A what...?)

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Katherine's pov

I tried to find Cole but he left embarrassed. I decided to walk, it was twenty minutes walk towards my apartment.

I was taking in surroundings when my eyes landed on something or rather I should say someone. I moved closer to the window of electronics showroom, which were displaying Daniel's interview for his new movie. I felt my heartbeat increase, the rushing of my blood through my veins....most importantly my heartache. He looked tiered, having slight bags under his eyes, unshaved beard and messed up clothes. Without any second thought, my hand reached for my phone dialing his number.



"Hello?" I blinked a few times and considered looking at the screen whether I've called the right person or Not. It was a girl, answering his phone.

I clenched my fists "Where is Daniel?" I waited for her reply but instead the line went dead.

What. The.

My thoughts pulled down by the vibration of my phone. I looked at the caller id. Answering it.


"Daniel..?" I asked him, even though my heartbeats are evident that it's him on the other side.

"Hey....please tell me you finally decided to come back?" His voice pleadingly rang through my ears.

"Who answered your phone earlier Dan?" I asked through greeted teeth. I wasn't exactly the jealous type but my behavior here is Expected, it feels like I've Not talked to him in ages...then BOOM!! Some stupid girl answers his phone.

"It was, um..Emma,my costar. " he paused waiting for me to say anything before continuing

" I really don't know how long you can survive without me But Jana, this is not possible for me. I miss you, I miss you bad. I know there is a lot going on between us but damn!! It sucks, you not being there when I'm home. There is nothing I've craved more than your presence, your smiles, cuddles. Babe I miss you. Come back to me. Please" his cracking voice at the end.

"Where are you Dan?" I managed to ask him.

" Paris."

"I'll be there tomorrow" I chirped at the thought of being with him again.

He sighed audibly " As much as I want you to be here. You can't. I'm staying in a hotel with my costars, we can't reveal our relationship before the movie's out babe." There. That's what hurts. The reason I've wanted to leave.

"Sure. I'll be here for a while Dan. Even when you return, don't come for me. Let's be together when there is nothing that will keep us apart. I'm tiered Dan, let's catch up later. Bye."
I hung up without hearing what he has to say. It's stupid.....our fight but he seriously needs to sort out his priorities or else........i don't know. He wasn't like this earlier, of course he had worked hard...I couldn't tell how many nights I've seen him tiring himself in work...drama class, music, also he used to work at a software company for his expenses. He had struggled a lot to be here and to think how much it matters to him....I never got jealous or need to be on his number one priority as he managed pretty well with every thing....we both had so much understanding but things had changed.


I had time before starting to work at coffer shop. It was more like a cup store......So, I decided to visit my parents, I've missed them. I walked into the living room noticing that they still don't have a habit of closing the doors.....they live carelessly but safety is important too. I rolled my eyes. Aren't parents suppose to teach this to their kids.

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