Chapter 2

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Harry’s POV

I sat down on the chair beside the dining table, watching the table plates being placed down with a clanking sound by Lara.

“So, what do you think of our flat?” Niall asked as he sat beside me.

“I think it’s great.” I smirked.

“Yeah, now let’s get started.” Lara interrupted.

The table was full. Are they like this every night, or are they only preparing china when there’s a visitor coming in? Whatever the answer is, I’m glad of their generosity.

The last time I was prepared china is when my friend Liam invited me to a dinner with her girlfriend at his house, and the table was very full, too, for the three of us.

Right now, roast beef, salad, whole chicken and a lot more are sitting on the table. Lara had a couple of roast beef, some salad, and a generous amount of chicken. Niall has, wow. Half of the roast beef, two chicken legs, and like three servings of salad. I think this isn’t china after all, I said to myself.

“So, do you have any girls, a girlfriend?” Niall asked me.

“No one really. I’m nineteen and no girlfriends yet.”

“How could you not have any girlfriends your whole life?” Lara asked with a puzzled face as she chewed her food and swallowed them.

I stared into her hazel-brown eyes, watching the glow of her body spark towards mine. “I mean, you have great dimples, man.”

“I don’t know, maybe I’m not just good around girls. That’s what I think.” I replied.

“Oh no, Nialler’s got to teach you his moves Louis taught him.” Lara said.


“Oh yeah, Louis Tomlinson, he’s the man with the girls, dude.” Niall added.

“No, I mean, Louis Tomlinson? Tommo the surfer? With the light beard and stripes?” I asked. I can’t believe he knows Louis! He’s half-American half-British, no wonder Niall knows him!

This is getting interesting.

“Holy shit, you know him?” Lara exclaimed.

“Yeah, don’t tell me you know Liam Payne, too.”

“No way.” Niall was surprised of what I said. He knows both.

“We must have a reunion!” Lara exclaimed.

“Yeah, we need to.” Niall added and we laughed.

“How about you, Niall, you have any girls?” I asked changing the subject.

“Um, no. Louis’s ways doesn’t work.” We laughed. I can’t do this, eat while laughing? Whilst they’re used to this, I think. Niall’s funny as hell!

“How about you, Lara?”

“Uhm, I have an ex, his name is Zayn.”

Zayn. Great, I didn’t even think of this. I didn’t have enough guts to ask her if she has any boys with them! How am I so stupid? I should’ve-

Wait, what am I saying? You don’t like her, Harry. You don’t fucking like her. You’re not stupid enough to even say anything about love in front of her. She’s not god enough, Harry. You’re not good enough. And why am I cussing?

“What brings you here in England?”

“We’re here for a vacation. Only us two.” Niall answered.

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