someday soon

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Maya's pov-
Its been 2 weeks since i saw lucas, and everyday was harder and harder. I didnt know what to do i tried to text him, but he only ignore me. He refused to anwser my calls and was never home when me and riley came over.
"Riles, he hates me maybe he said he didnt, but i can see right through him i mean hes completely ignored me for two weeks. What am i suppose to do" i was crying in her arms.
"Maya its gonna be ok i promise lucas he just he still loves you dont ever think different" riley layed my head on her lap.
Rileys phone started ringing "hello" she anwsered i could tell it was farkle cause her eyes lit up and she was smiling all goofy like.
"We're on our way" riley hung up the phone than smiled at me "peaches farkle invited us both over for dinner do you wanna come".
"Lucas doesn't want me there" i boldly spoke.
"Come on i dont want you here by your self all night long" she lifted me up and helped me get ready.
We knocked on there door and farkle allowed me inside "you know yall could of kept this between you too i didnt have to come" i told them which was truthful i wanted them to be able to have date nights without worrying about me.
"Oh nonsense i insisted you come" farkle hugged me and gestured for me to sit.
Lucas walked in with his arm around some girl, and i had to hold back every emotion i owned.
"Oh sorry farkle didn't realize you were gonna have company" and with that he was out the door again.
"Maya are you ohkay?" Both farkle and riley looked at me.
" fine i think im gonna go home and relax you guys enjoy your date" i fled out the door letting the tears flow down my face i decided not to even go home i just kept running and running until i hit the park.
I sat down on one of the swings and just cryed and cryed i probably could of gone on crying forever.
Turns out lucas's new girl friend lived near there and he just dropped her off when he saw me on the swings.
"Maya?" He questioned probably to make sure it was me.
"Hi lucas" i coldly spoke.
"Are you crying" he touched my shoulder.
"Im fine lucas ill be fine" i got up and faced him "im happy for you im happy that you found someone that makes you happy" i fake smiled.
"Maya..." he looked at me.
"Its ok lucas ill be going now, i hope she makes you happy forever cause you deserve nothing but happiness" i slightly hugged him than i started walking away.
Back at the room i walked in and riley was pacing back and forth "MAYA PENELOPE HART WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU" lord she was loud when she wanted to be.
"I was in the park just relaxing, i um i said lucas" i sat down.
"What do you mean" riley sat next to me and grabbed my hands.
"I uhm i told him that i hope this new girl makes me happy cause he deserves all the happiness" i croaked.
"Oh peaches im so sorry" riley gave me a tight hug.
"Its ok riley i think im finally ready to move on" i smiled.
"I will always be here for you, and so will farkle" riley was such a sweetheart with her words.
The next day me and riley were hanging out with farkle playing monopoly when lucas walked in with his girlfriend "hey guys this is samantha" he pointed at her she waved.
"Hey" we all said and than went back to our game lucas took samantha back to his room.
"You ok maya" farkle asked.
"You know for the first time in a long time i think i might just be ok" i smiled.
Lucas walked back out leading samantha to the door she left and he turned back to us "can i play?".
"Sure" maya was the first to speak which took all of us by surprise.
He sat down picking out the horse and put it on go, 20 minutes later he already bought us out of everything and honestly i was tired of his crap.
"Good lord lucas is nobody else allowed to own anything" i laughed looking at him.
"I can not help it that im just so good" he put his hands in the air.
"Oh yeah ok and i cant help that im just like this" and i pushed him over.
"How dare you" he said in the whitest girl voice ever.
"What me" i said in a innocent voice with my hand over my heart.
He pushed me over getting on top of me tickling me "lu-lucas ok ok im sorry ha please stop" i was in a fit of giggles.
Samantha walked back in while lucas was mid air on top of me "whats going on" she looked very very angry.
"Just alittle fun" i spoke standing up.
"Lucas is my boyfriend why was he on you" she said harshly.
"Samantha stop" lucas rolled his eyes at her.
"Oh mi god this is her isnt it this is the girl you kept talking about when we first ment" she rolled her eyes also.
"You talk about me" i chuckled and looked at him.
"What no..i have no idea what shes talking about" lucas blushed.
"Lucas maybe this is a sign we just aren't meant to be" she shrugged.
"Ok bye Samantha" he smiled and pushed her out the door.
"So you talk about me" i smiled at him.
"Someday soon" and with that he was gone...again.

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