falling apart

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Maya's pov-
Lucas and farkle hadn't spoken to us for weeks i could tell farkle ignoring riley was killing her inside which was killing me.
I tryed calling lucas multiple times but he never anwsered not once.
"maya you were right relationships cant get mixed up with work" riley said while choking back her tears.
"No, no riley i was dead wrong on this one. He made you so happy i never should have told you any different" i pleaded i wish i never would have told her any of that.
"Oh come on look where i am im a crying mess on our living room floor".
I could tell she was broken farkle minkus broke my best friend, and i wasnt just gonna sit there anymore.
I told riley i was going out to get her some broken heart items, but i was really going to farkles dorm.
"FARKLE MINKUS GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW" i was practically busting the windows down.
"Maya what the heck" farkle urged me inside.
"You better be ready to listen, because im ready to talk" i shook my finger in his face.
"What maya" he rolled his eyes.
"How dare you accuse riley of lieing to you or faking anything these past few months she has been nothing but 100% truthful with you and how she felt" i was steamed any angrier and id be able to breathe fire.
"You guys were sent here to stalk us how am i suppose to know if rileys feelings are real or if shes just trying to get me to confess to something" farkle shrugged as if im suppose to agree with everything hes saying.
"Fuck you farkle minkus you broke my best friend shes crying rivers in our dorm room shes absolutely devestated that you hate her, i swear on every fiber being in my body riley matthews is in love with you farkle and if you cant see that maybe you're the one who has a problem" i slammed the door walking out i really hoped i got my point across to him with that mini speech.
Walking back to my room with rileys goodies i could hear her whimpers get louder the closer to our door i got.
I opened the door slowly and quietly "riley honey im home, and i got all your favorites" i said hopefully cheering her up alittle.
"Im not hungry right now" riley spoke lowly.
I sat down beside her and layed her head on my shoulder rocking her back and forth stroking her hair.
"Do you think farkle will ever forgive me" riley asked.
"Honey theres no way on hell he's gonna stay mad at you, he loves you and you love him and he knows that" i say hopefully i sound assuring.
"I hope so peaches" riley soon fell asleep some time after that.
My phone buzzed in my pocket meaning im getting a call i slowly put riley on the ground with a pillow under her head and check caller id it's lucas.
"Hello" i speak into the phone
"Maya farkle told me you came over" lucas said.
"Uhm yeah i did just wanted to chat with him" i was almost scared about what lucas was gonna say.
"He wants you and riley to come over tommorw" he spoke softly almost sounding worried i would say no.
"I'll ask riley tommorw morning if she wants to" i said truthfully i mean i wouldnt mind going but i dont want to put that stress on riley.
After the call when i woke up that next morning i walked into rileys room and she was coloring 'oh man' i thought she looks so peaceful.
"Riley honey farkle wants us to come over today i told him it was your decision" i looked at her worriedly of her next sentence.
"We can go" she said without even looking up.
When we got to there dorm the boys where waiting for us.
"Hey ladies" farkle said as we walked up.
We all went inside and sat down "why did you call us here farkle" riley was the first one to speak in 10 minutes almost a relief.
"Well...i wanted to talk to you riley" farkle awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
"Whats there to talk about you dont trust me and thats fine" riley said you could hear the tears threating to come out.
"Riley thats not true im just scared that everything i thought we had..wasnt real" farkle said the last part very very quiet.
"It was real for me" riley said honestly looking up at farkle.
Lucas looked at me "maya i do trust you i like you alot and i want something more for us".
I stood up "are we all forgetting one speacil thing". Everyone looked at me confused.
"Me and riley kind of have a job and one we're finished..its time for us to go" i felt a tear slip out of my eye.
"Maya im gonna quit" riley astonished all of us with that sentence.
"Riles are you sure" i choked back my tears.
"4 years maya we've been at this for 4 long years im tired" riley spoke.
"What are you gonna tell dad" i looked at her she knew dang well dad wasnt just gonna allow her to quit.
"He's gonna just have to get over it i guess" she shrugged.
"Just gonna have to get over it YEAH RIGHT hes gonna disown you as a daughter man".
"Let him i love farkle ok i love him and this stupid job isnt gonna hold me back" riley half yelled.
"Maya, does this mean you're going, are we falling apart"? That was the last thing i heard lucas say before blacking out.

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