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You were nervously shifting in your position as you couldn't contain yourself to stand still. You played with a strand of your hair, trying to distract yourself from what was going to happen.
You were in trouble, big trouble.
Luckily you weren't alone, your Parabatai was by your side and his sister was at the other. All the three of you were looking at the main doors, waiting on Maryse to enter as she would probably lecture the shit out of all the three of you.
Your heart started to race from the moment the doors opened, revealing a not so happy Maryse. The look on her face and the way she walked towards the three of you, made you anxious.
She stopped in front of the three of you as the Lightwood siblings their heads automatically lowered "This is out of order." The harsh tone in her voice made you avoid her gaze.
"Mother I-"
"Save it." She cuts her daughter off.
"I'm disgust." She states "Disgust by the behaviour you both represent as members of The Lightwood family."
You bit your lower lip, by Maryse her harsh words as she turned to you "Y/n." The tone in her voice made you want to jump off a cliff, cause that would definitely be less more painful.
"I never expected you to be part of such nonsense as this." You looked up as her stern gaze automatically made you lower your head at the same level as the two Lightwood siblings.
"Y/n wasn't involved in any kind of this." Alec defends you.
"She was just being a good friend." Izzy besides you rapidly ads.
"Is this what you call a good friend, these days?" Maryse arched a brow "Good friends should prevent each other from doing such things as this."
Long story short, Isabelle was forced to end any sort of contact with Meliorn. But knowing Isabelle she couldn't and wouldn't erase The Seelie knight out of her life, just because The Clave asked her to. So she asked you and her brother to help her out, meeting Meliorn in secret as she covered it up with saying that you were going on a regular mission together.
Everything went just fine, till some demons showed up on Izzy her secret date. You three ended up killing all of them as you also killed a demon The Clave was going after for quite a while. Which forced the three of you to come clean about Izzy her secret meet up with The Seelie.
"We discussed your outrageous behaviour and we decided to prevent any more cases like this." She eyed all of you "The three of you are banned for going on any sort of mission for a month."
"Mother you can't-"
"Am I clear?" She ignored Alec.
"Yes mother." Both of the siblings quietly agreed.
You got a gently push from Alec "Y-yes." You stutter "You're as clear as the water back in Idris." You joked as Maryse pursed her lips, making you face the other direction.
"You're all dismissed." She firmly states as she turned around, making her way out of the room.
"That wasn't that bad was it?" Izzy tried to lighten the mood.
"Not that bad?" Alec snaps "Mother is furious because you needed to see that Seelie of yours."
"Alec it's okay." You placed your hand on his chest as he flinched away.
"No it's not." He bitterly states "Maybe you're used to be treated like this by our mother but I'm not." He eyed Izzy as she widens her eyes by her brother his words.
"Alec that's enough." You step in front of your Parabatai as both of your faces were inches away from each other.
"Why are you defending her?" He spits "It's because of her that we can't go on any mission for a whole month."
"We knew the consequences." You looked into his eyes "But that's what we do, we help each other out and accept the consequences."
"Wrong statement." Alec bites "We break noses and accept the consequences." He exclaims "But we didn't have to break one, if my sister over here just stayed away from The Seelies like everyone told her to."
"Stop." You softly plead as Alec shaked his head.
"This conversation is over." He states before walking off, leaving you and Izzy behind.
"He's right." You turned around as you met Izzy her gaze "I just should've listen to-"
"No, he's overreacting." You walked over to her.
"I just feel so worthless." Izzy starts as you eyed her in shock "I've already disappointed my parents." She shakes her head "And now my brother."
You embraced her as she heavily sighed, placing her head on you shoulder "You will never disappoint your brother." You whispered in her ear "He knew this could happen but he still went through with it, for you." You state "Don't overthink this, he will forget about it before you even realize it."
"I hope so." Izzy quietly mumbled.
The rest of the day, you didn't left Izzy her side for one second. You dragged her out of the institute into the fresh air as you tried to cheer her up with buying the heels she wanted to buy for such a long time. She ended up buying them as she could finally smile again when you girls were returning back to the institute.
Back at The New York Institute, she returned to her room trying to find a matching outfit to wear with her new favorite heels. You walked past the eldest Lightwood his room as you couldn't contain yourself to knock on his door, since you didn't talked to him after this morning.
You knocked on his door as there was no response "Alec?" You turned at the doorknob, opening the door slowly "Alec I'm coming in." You fully opened the door as you saw him placed on his bed with his head in his hands.
"Is everything alright?" You softly approached him as he didn't moved one muscle "Alec." You demanded as he stayed in the same position.
You kneeled down in front of him as you looked up, he removed his hands out of his face as he eyed you "Hi." He widely starts to smile.
"Hi?!" You repeat with a confused look on your face.
"Hiiiiiii." He widely grinned.
"What the-." You stood back straight up as you faced him "Are you high?" You widened your eyes.
"N-no." He stutters, as he blinked his eyes at you "Why are there so many of you?" He moved his head in every direction of the room.
You pulled his face closer as you could smell the liquor taste that was coming out of his mouth "You're drunk." You smirked, before you pushed him back on the bed.
"How did you even..." You asked yourself "Magnus Bane." You state on a loud tone, hovering over your best friend "How many of these selfmade cocktails of him, poured you down your throat?" You asked as Alec was literally just staring blankly back at you with a wide smile placed on his face.
"This is a waste of time." You shaked your head.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Alec childish giggled.
"Sure." You rolled your eyes as you placed yourself on his bed next to him.
"I think I'm in love." He whispers.
"Alec I'm your best friend, I alread-" He waved his index finger into your face as he sushed you.
"It's a secret." He whispers, before he laughs at himself "Can I tell you something else?" He turned serious again as you heavily sighed.
"Tell me, Lightworm." You looked down at your drunk best friend.
"I don't like girls." He states "At all." You couldn't contain yourself to giggle at the way he was talking to you.
You shrugged your shoulders as you just went along with it, placing yourself next to him. Lying on his bed as you listened all night long to the honest drunk confessions of your Parabatai. He was probably going to regret this so hard in the morning, which only made all of this funnier and even more enjoyable for you.

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