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You were walking through the streets of New York, fingers intertwined with your boyfriend. Today was it one of your favorite days, just a lazy day. Not having to worry about saving the mundane world or fighting some demons for once.
"Listen." The eldest lightwood stopped in his tracks as he made you face him by pulling you closer with one of his hands on your waist "I'm going back to Idris for this weekend." He spilled "I need to take care of some business."
Alec knows how much you hate it, him leaving the New York's Institute for a mission back in Idris "I'm back before you know it." He gave you an empathize smile.
"Sure." You shortly replied.
"Babe." His voice deepened "Don't." He inched the space in between the two of you as he lifts your chin, forcing you to look him in his chocolate brown eyes.
"I'm not leaving, knowing you're upset." He whispered.
"Don't worry about me." Your eyes started to daze off.
"Y/n." Alec, softly stated as he made you look at him again "My family needs me."
But you needed him too and not as in a selfish way.
You had some unexpected news for the achery boy and you honestly didn't know how to break it for him" What's wrong?" A flash of concern came across his eyes.
"Nothing." You tried to brush it off "Nothing." You fake smiled.
"You're a terrible liar you know?" He looked down at you, raising his brows.
"I can't." You looked around "I'm not discussing this when we're in the open."
"What's wrong?" His facial expressions turned worried "Did something happened?" He eyed you "Did someone hurt you?" His eyes were locked on yours "Who do I need to kill?" He lowered his voice.
"Alec." You sighed "Not now." You state "Not here."
"Let's go back then." He placed his arm around your shoulder as he dragged you back to the institute.
Returning to the institute, your heart was beating faster than you ever could've imagined. You swear it could pop anytime out of your chest "So?" Alec asked as he was closing the door behind his back, his eyes not leaving yours for one split second.
"I'm." You bite your lip "We." Your hands started to sweat as there was a lump in your throat, refusing to complete your sentences.
And suddenly, your body couldn't take it anymore, all the tension turnend into tears as they started to flow across your cheeks. Making all of this even more dramatic than it already was. The tears rolling down your cheeks, were frusrated ones. Not knowing how to tell your boyfriend the thing you kept a secret for the past few weeks.
"Hey." Alec rushed over to you "Hey." He placed him besides you on your shared bed "Baby." He sushed you as you started to hiccup.
"I'm sorry." You tried to wipe the tears off as they didn't stopped.
"It's okay." He whispered, wiping them off with his thumb "Come here." He embraced you as you placed your head on his shoulder as your tears stained on it "I hate this." He rubbed your lower back "Seeing you like this." He placed his lips on your forehead "I can't help you, not knowing what you're dealing with." He muttered against your forehead "And it kills me."
There was no turning back from this moment, you needed to tell him. He had every right to it and him feeling bad for something he didn't even knew about was even worse.
"I'm pregnant."
You immediately closed your eyes, scared of his reaction.
A reaction you didn't got, nor saw.
You slowly opened your eyes as you met his. You didn't know what to think as his facial expression was literally blank, him just staring at you. Not a single word coming out of his mouth, making you only more anxious.
"I'm going to be a dad?" His voice cracked as his eyes were set on you.
"I-I-I mean" You stuttered "Y-yes, I guess-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you felt your boyfriend his soft lips on yours.
The kiss was pure compassion, giving you a feeling all the weight was off your shoulders. Probably a weight that wasn't even accurate in the first place "You're not mad?" You looked up.
"No, why should I?" Alec started to smile as he shook his head.
"We're still young and aren't even married."
"Was that a subtle hint?" Alec smirked.
"N-no." You furiously shaked your head "It's just...." You tried to find the right words "What are our parents going to say about this?" You widened your eyes "O my god." You gulped "The Clave."
"Babe." He grabbed your hands "Baby." He chuckeled "Calm down." He kissed the top of your hands "I'll take care of all of that." He assured you "More important for you, my lady. I don't want you to go on any more missions for now on, leave alone entering the training room."
"You need to rest, cause there are going to be days that you're going to feel exhausted and that's where I come in." He explained "I'm not leaving your side."
A better reaction as this wasn't even possible, this was all you needed. Looking at this dork right in front of you, knowing he's here and not going anywhere made you feel secure. Not only on this moment, but even for the future and all of that. You knew he was the one but having him assuring that he would be at your side through all the good and bad, that was it that you needed to hear from him right there.
What?" Alec arched a brow, smiling as you stared at him in awe.
Right here.
"I just love you." You shrugged.
"Well." He lifted his shoulders "I love you too." He gave you a quick peck on the lips, before removing himself from the bed "Let's tell the others." He reached his hand out for you to take it.
"And for the record." The tone in his voice was pure sass "She's not able to date anyone before she's at least thirty." He takes your hand in his "And she isn't allowed to date anything near a mundane or downworlder."
"How are you so sure it's a she?" You giggled.
"I just know." He smirked.

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