✗No Goodbye

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"Why would he do that?" You lamented to Isabelle, as you sobbed into her shoulder. Alec had gone off on a mission, without saying any goodbye to you. Especially since you'd warned him against going on said mission, purely because it was literally a death wish. Besides, he said that if he did go on this mission, he wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to you. But then, when you woke up the morning after he left, he was gone, and Izzy immediately caught you in her arms as you cried to her.
"I don't know, Y/N. He's a bit of an idiot sometimes, and doesn't think before he acts. Trust me when I say this though, he's a fighter. He'll come back to us, and he'll be okay." She smiled sympathetically at you, before saying, "Look, if he can do this, he brings Jace back to us. Then we're all back to normal. Just, try not to dwell on it too much, okay? Because when you get stressed, Clary and I get stressed. And I have no idea how the Institute manages to put up with all of us when we're like this," she laughed, and you chuckled slightly.
"See, it's alright. Now, how about we get some Chinese? Your usual Udon, moo shu pork and salt and pepper fries?"

It had been two weeks, now, since Alec left for this mission. You were sat with Clary, trying to make sense of various books when you heard voices in the foyer. "Guys," Izzy panted, jogging over to you, "It's Alec and Jace! They're back!" That was it for you. You shoved all the books off the table in your panic and followed Izzy and Clary, the latter of whom making a beeline straight for Jace.
When you saw the tall, muscled figure beside him, you couldn't help but freeze in place behind Izzy. He caught your eye and smiled at you, and you paced over to him, a slight anger marking your every pace. But when you got up to him, leaving him pinned up against a wall and fully prepared to shout at him for what he'd put you through, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything without feeling his lips on yours first.
Pressing your lips to his passionately, you melted into him as his arms came up and encircled your body, pulling you closer to him as he did so. Your hands found their way into his hair, wrapping tendrils around each finger. It was still as soft as you remembered it to be, and he still let out his short moans against your lips when you did it.
Eventually you two broke apart, and he said, "That was the best welcome back I've had for a long while."
"I was gonna shout at you, for leaving without a goodbye. But I missed you too much."
"I know, and I'm sorry, Y/N. I just had no time to say goodbye because we had to leave so early, but believe me, every single moment of time I spent away from you I was thinking about you all the time." He looked down at you, and said, "And I thought about how much I love you. And how when I got back, I wanted to show you how much I loved you." You smiled at him and followed him back to your shared room. The anger could wait.

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