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You were coming back from a mission with Izzy, the both of you slayed some downworlders outside The New York Institute.
"Did you guys already talked?" Izzy breaks the silence, while you were putting your swords away.
"Nope." You answer, popping the 'p' "And I'm not going to."
"See, this is why you two are both perfect for each other." She smiles "Both stubborn."
"Funny." You remark as you turn around hearing Jace and Clary enter the room.
"You're not going!" Jace grabs her wrists "It's too dangerous."
"I need to find my mom." Clary snaps at him, snatching her wrists out of Jace's grip.
"Looks like something is in the air that has an influence on all the couples in here." Izzy besides you whisper "This is why I prefer to be single.
"Ready?" You turned your head, seeing Alec as he walked up the stairs "You better are, cause we're out of time." He exclaims towards Jace.
"No we're not going." Jace disagrees while Alec just ignores him walking towards your direction.
"Move." He speaks as he stands in front of you, you roll your eyes as you move to the right side letting him through.
You keep a straight face in front of you, as you feel Alec his eyes burn in the back of your head "Still not talking huh?" He looks at you as you don't even bother to face him "I said I was sorry, what do you want me to d-"
"Alec can you sort out your relationship problems another time." Jace impatiently speaks as Clary heavily sighs walking away "Hey Clary, wait up!" Jace runs after her.
"Look who's talking." Alec looked at the scene in front of him as he takes his bow and arrows. He turns back at you as you keep ingnoring the eye contact he tries to make, cause you knew that if you looked in your Lightwood his eyes... you were lost.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him as your eyes daze of to the other direction "I'm not leaving for a mission while we're having a fight." He softly speaks, caressing your face.
"Okay." Izzy sighs "I love you both dearly but I don't have the time to watch the daily Y/n, Alec soap." She speaks annoyed as she walks off the stairs, doing her famous hair flip.
"How can I make you talk?" Alec looks at you as he let out a frustrated sigh, he cups his hands around your face as he gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. You tried to keep your eyes open, 'focus' you thought by yourself.
His soft lips trail from your cheek to you neck as he deepens his lips on your skin, leaving a wet trail "Can we have hot makeup sex already?" He whispers in your ear as you gulp.
You wanted to show so many emotions towards him, you wanted to yell, scream, cry, but you kept your face straight cause what is the point of giving someone the silent treatment if you gave in so soon.
"C'mon." He pleads as he sucks on you neck.
"Don't you dare to give me a hickey." You rapidly placed your hands on your mouth as Alec smirks at you.
"She can talk." He licks his lips "Too bad I want to see you doing other things with those pretty lips." He bites his lips.
"Be careful." You speak, not going further into his dirty talking.
"That's what she said." He jokes as you lightly push him.
"I'm serious, I would still ignore you if didn't-"
"Alec!" Your and Alec's head both turn to Jace who was looking at the both of you "Mission." He states as Alec rolls his eyes.
You look as he walks off the stairs, not looking at you for once before disappearing through the door. You turn back around looking at the swords as in a blink of an eye, you were pushed against the wall of the other side of the room.
You felt soft lips touching yours as you opened your eyes, meeting Alec's.
"ALEC!" Jace yells "What are you doing?!"
"I forgot something." He turned around, walking off the stairs "We're ready to go." He states as Jace gives him a 'took you long enough' look.
Before your boyfriend went out of the door, he turned around one last time giving you a cheesy wink making your heart flutter.

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