✗New Beginnings

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Never knew you could love someone so small with all your heart, you were hovering over your fresh newborn her crib. She was the perfect mix between you and Alec. She had your face shape and nose and a couple of Alec's dark hairs that covered her small baby forehead. You could already see that she was going to have her dad's brown eyes and you secretly hoped his beautiful handsome smile too.
"Pretty please." You turn around meeting Clary with Jace and an annoyed, tired Alec at your guys shared doorway.
"Y/n." Alec desperately faces you.
He was exhausted, you both were but knowing Alec didn't had as much tolerance as you made you take over of their conversation. Before he could say something he'll probably regret cause dad or not, he's still Alec Lightwood.
"It's okay." You look at your man, who was close to falling asleep "Go." You whisper at him as he shakes his head, not wanting to leave your side.
You take your newborn baby girl out of her crib as you hand her over to her godmother and godfather.
"Careful." Alec warns towards Clary and Jace as they looked in awe at your fresh new one.
"She's so beautiful." Clary smiles while Jace behind her got lost in your daughters eyes.
"Party is here!" You look at the doorway as Isabelle makes her appearance.
"Izzy didn't I told you to wait till tomorrow?" Alec starts irritated.
"I'm her aunt." Izzy walks inside "I couldn't wait anymore longer." She walks over to Clary and Jace "Besides they are here too?" She refers to Clary and Jace
"I asked them the same." Alec snaps.
"Can I hold her?" Izzy looks at you as you gesture to Clary who was ready to hand your daughter over to the other Lightwood sibling "She looks just like me." Izzy states as she scans your baby, making Alec roll his eyes next to you.
"I'm sorry if we're late." All your heads turn to the doorway as Simon and Luke walked back inside.
"More like too early." Alec scoffs "Did you guys planned this together or something?" He begins, waving his hands "I clearly told you guys to wait for a couple of days before you could meet our daughter."
"Alec it's okay." You sigh as he clenched his jaw, preventing himself from talking.
"Guys, we are really tired." You start on a more decent tone "I love you guys all to dead." No pun intented, looking at Simon "but we just need some time alone with our baby girl over here." You softly spoke as everyone in the room starts to nod their heads in compassion.
"Hello my beautiful people." Magnus storms in the room "I made some cocktails without alcohol, you know to keep it child friendly." He winks at you as his smiles rapidly vanished as Alec besides you started to heavily sigh.
"Bad timing?" Magnus arches a brow.
"Sort of." You sweetly state.
"Okay." Alec lifts his voice "I want you all out." He walks over to Izzy, carefully taking his daughter back in his arms "Now." He states.
Even though you received some upset looks and some mumbles from the others, you were glad that Alec succeeded to make them all leave the room. Maybe not on a way you hoped it would be but you needed to be real, you didn't saw them leaving anytime soon on the way you were asking.
"It's okay." Alec softly speaks towards you daughter "They are gone."
You walk over to him, leaning with your head against his shoulder watching your fiancée communicate with you little daughter.
"Maxima Gideon Lightwood." He smiles down at your daughter "We did a good job." He winks at you as you giggle.
"Why can't she be like this, forever?" Alec looks down at her "Small and quiet." He refers to you, cause you were quite a talker. "She's going to be such an amazing Shadowhunter." He states.
"Calm your arrows Lightwood." You smile "She can be whatever she wants, Shadowhunter or not we will always love her." You look at him.
"And support her." He turns back at her "Unless she's going to fall in love with a Mundane or Vanpire or-"
"Still." You smile at your daughter "There is no escaping from, her family consists of anything and everything." She wraps her tiny hand around your finger "She is able to love whoever she wants cause her family is the living proof of that statement."
You admire Alec as he looked at your daughter as if she was the most precious little thing in this entire world. Maybe the other's still saw the same moody Lightwood, you for sure didn't.
He wanted to be there for you and your daughter, mentally and psyically. He didn't left your side since she was born, it wouldn't even surprise you if he didn't closed one eye these past few days.
Your daughter was always on his mind for the past few months. The first weeks you were pregnant, he was already talking about which runes he was going to draw on her. Already making rules she is obligate to follow, like not getting a boyfriend untill she's in her late twenties. He even forced his Parabatai and his girlfriend to make a baby so your daughter wouldn't be alone in The New York Institute.
People can say all they want about Alexander Gideon Lightwood, that he was a mistake. He was the best mistake that you ever made and you couldn't be more happier with a guy like him, soon to be husband.
"She's asleep." You jump up as Alec comes behind you, wrapping his arms around you "You were so deep in your thoughts, I wonder what's going on in that mind of yours." He spins you around, kissing your forehead.
"I love you, that's all."
"Well that's a good thing." He smirks before he crushed his lips on yours "When comes number two?" He playfully asks as he breaks the kiss.
"Number two huh?" You smile as he gave you a cheeky grin "That acquires some more practice." You state.
"Oh I'm all in for practice." he winks
"Alec." You giggle "I was talking about the process of being good parents not the process of making one."
"I'm in for that one too." He rapidly agrees as you shake your head before placing your lips on his.
"Wooh, take it easy." Your and Alec's attention turn to the door "You just got number one." Jace jokes as Alec starts to open his mouth.
"Don't." Jace put his hands up in defense "Don't yell." He picked up his jacket "I just forgot my jacket." He rapidly speaks before exiting the room.
"We really need to put a lock on that door." Alec looks in disgust at your guys doorway as you just admire his typical complaining "Like I'm not even joking." You roll your eyes, grabbing his chin so he faced you again before placing your lips back on his.
Like you said, definitely the best mistake ever.

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