Chapter Eight

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An important note for this chapter; Y/NN means your nickname. Jace calls you by this. If you don't have one, make one up or use a pet name. F/F means favorite flavor.

Warning, there's a little bit of "harsh words"(although it's not completely what is considered cussing).

But, just as you get ready to leave, your phone gives an oh-so-familiar buzz to signal a new text message. You quickly turn on your phone when the LED-lit name Jace pops out.

You groan, and don't even bother to check what the message actually says before turning your phone off. Foxy looks at you with a confused look. "Who was it?" He said, giving you a quick up-and-down look.

"Oh, nobody, just some jerk," you sigh, and he shakes his head in protest. "Why would 'some jerk' be texting you?"

"Well," you sit back down on your couch, foundling your phone in your hands. "He's technically my cheating and backstabbing boyfriend," Foxy gives you an upset-like glance at this remark, "but not for long. I'm going to break up with him the next chance I get."

He smiles, and snatches your phone out of your hands. "What're you waiting for?" He laughs, and seemingly starts to text Jace back. You immediately stand up and attempt to take your phone back, but he stands up from the coffee table he was positioned on and quickly walks around your living room, still typing and dodging your tries to get your phone.

"Foxy!" You scream at him, "Stop, don't text him!" You flare your arms wildly, trying your best to snatch your phone out of his artificial hands.

He turns sharply around and hands you your phone back. "Here," he says with a sly grin.

"What did you text him?" You frantically say as you fumble to reopen the texts.

"Oh, nothing, just that you'll be at the diner in an hour."

"Foxy!" You screech, taking a look at the message. Sounds good, I'll meet you there. "Why would you do that?" The little signal that Jace was typing appeared.

You give Foxy a disgusted glare, and he rolls his eyes. "Because it was obvious you weren't going to do it yourself. Do you even have the guts to break up with him, or should I do that for you, too?" He chuckles, but at this point, you're steaming.

"I was planning on barely leaving the house at all," you complain, grabbing the sides of your sweatpants. "Now I have to get all dressed up for a date?"

"No, don't. Just wear what you're wearing now. It'll give him an idea that what you came for wasn't a date."

You smile in response, and give him a faint pointing notion. "Good idea. When did you become so intelligent? I thought you never made it past the 8th grade." You laugh quietly, but immediately regret what you said. It was obvious his past was a sensitive topic.

"Haha, I guess I just picked it up, huh?" He gives a toothy grin back, and you mentally make a notion of wiping sweat off your forehead with a phew noise. That was definitely close.


An hour later, you arrive with Foxy to your local diner. You're positioned in the driver's seat, your hands gripping the steering wheel tight. You stare over at the diner, your eyes locked onto Jace, who's positioned next to a window. "Oh my God, Foxy. I can't do this. This is insane. I'll break him." You shake your head in disgrace, and then rest it on the dashboard, the steering wheel tickling your neck.

Foxy reaches over and rubs your right shoulder. He cranes his head to look over at you. "That's exactly how he wants you to feel. He's already broke you. Now it's your turn. Break him back."

You get out of your car confidently and walk proudly to the door. You whip the door of the diner open way too powerfully, and Foxy gives you a "tone it down" hand gesture. You chuckle and run inside.

Your nostrils immediately flare at the familiar reek of Jade's cologne. It always smelled like he bathed in it.

"Hey, Y/NN," Jace's intoxicating voice calls out. It was smooth, and calm. He always seemed pretty laid back.

"Hey, uh Jace. Look, I came here to-" but before you can finish, Jace grabs you quickly by your waste and pulls you into the booth he was occupying.

He begins to rub nonsense circles into your side with the hand he had draped around you. You let out a hum and close your eyes, but his voice takes you out of the trance.

"Look, Y/NN, I have to tell you something. I've been seeing another woman... behind your back... and don't get mad at me, it was good. But, I left her. Well, she left me, actually. But, I just wanted to get this off my chest. It was chewing me out, and now you know I am all yours. Completely."

You give him a sickening glare. "I've known about her. And I have something to tell you, too, Jace." You stand up from the booth, out of the comforting grip of his arm.

"We're done. Kapeesh? Stay out of my life. You're a two-timing bastard, go back to your whore." A waitress comes by with a F/F smoothie that Jace must've ordered earlier. Your favorite.

You take it out of her hands. "Hmm, F/F, huh?" You say, before dumping the whole thing on his head. "It was a nice date, I'll pick up the tip." You hand the waitress a ten dollar bill.

You speed walk out, and hear Jace calling "Babe, wait! Y/NN? Baby?" Your eyes lock onto Foxy's face. He gives you thumbs up through the passenger window. You laugh, and now begin to run to the car.

A/N- I am soooooooo sorry for the wait! I hope this long chapter is a good way to apologize. Now that Jace is gone, will Foxy make advances? We'll see soon!

Plus, now that it's summer, you'll be receiving more and more updates hopefully. I'll have a lot more free time.

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