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Once she was out of the room Garrett grabbed my arm to keep me from walking away. "Hey, I am so sorry about her." He said sheepishly. "Don't listen to her."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not a big deal." I replied then rushed out of the room. Honestly it doesn't bother me. I knew meaner girls back home. I was not ever the subject of their ridicule before, but regardless I knew it could be much worse. As I left the math building and headed for the English one a girl with black hair and striking green eyes stopped me. "Hey, you're Cadence James right?" She asked politely.

I chewed on my lip as she walked step for step with me. "Just Cade is fine." I told her.

"I'm Brittany." She smiled twirling a piece of her silky hair around her finger. "I just wanted to introduce myself. I know being the new girl can suck. I was new freshman year. It's super tough in places like this where these kids have been in classes together since they were in diapers."

I nodded my head in agreement with her. "Yeah, I have picked up on that." I said. "Not too welcoming to fresh meat."

"I assume that means you met Carrianne?" She said with an eye roll.

"Natasha, actually."

"Same person different body." She joked. "Those two think they are the hottest thing on the planet." I could hear in her voice that she must have had some run-ins with them as well. I stopped outside of my class and turned to face her while she continued to talk. "Well I will let you get to class, I just wanted you to know you can feel free to sit with me and my friends at lunch. I remember that being the hardest part of my first day."

"That's sweet but I was just going to go pick something up for lunch." I explained.

Brittany made a face and a tissss sound. "We aren't allowed to leave campus for lunch." She said in a hushed voice.

"Are you kidding?" I prayed she was.

"No, it is school policy."

I sighed for the billionth time today. "Guess I will see you at lunch then." I said then went into my class.

What kind of school forces you to eat what they provide? My old school I could order in or go pick up whatever I wanted. This place just keeps getting worse and worse.

English and science class passed without too much of an issue. I still had the annoying people staring at me everywhere I went, but I'm sure they will get over my newness soon.

In my last class before lunch I met a guy named Lucas who was pretty cool. He saw me sketching and he pulled out his own sketch pad and showed me some of his stuff. He was definitely way better than I was, but he pretended to think mine was great too. When the bell rang for us to go to lunch he directed me to the cafeteria. "I told some Brittany girl that I would sit with her." I told him on the way there.

"Brittany Dukes or Barnes?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said. "We didn't trade life stories or anything."

"Black hair or blonde?"


He smiled widely as he opened the door for me. "That's my girlfriend." He beamed. "Of course she would seek you out to make you feel welcomed." He was obviously head over heels for her.

"She's a keeper, that one." I joked scanning the tiny space for her. The size of this lunchroom is truly laughable. How do schools this small seriously exist still? There is probably only about ten round tables in here. Spotting her wasn't hard. She was sitting with a small group of other guys and girls at the second table from the door.

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