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Five miles outside of Swanford, Missouri the boy paces his living room in front of a large group of people, all sharing the same angry expression as the one painted on the boy's face.

"Stop that, would you?" His mother scolds him. "Walking a path into my nice carpet isn't going to help anything."

"We need to start planning." One of the men says.

"We cannot stand for this betrayal!" A woman yells, spiting slightly in her anger.

The boy continues walking his trail, back and forth, across the living room. "Oh, no, they are not getting away with this." He says through his gritted teeth. "It makes me sick, just thinking of them...Of her."

"She thinks that she's gotten away with it." The boy's friend says under his breath.

The boy stops in his tracks and turns to face his audience. "She has not gotten away with this! She will pay for what she has caused. Are we going to let her get away with killing our fathers? Our sons? Our husbands? Our friends?"

"No!" The crowd shouts back.

"For now, we let her and her friends celebrate. Let them think they've won. They'll get lazy, while we are getting stronger." He smiles wickedly. "Soon, when we are ready, she will realize...She will see that she is not beating us."

The crowd in the small living room erupts with cheers.

"Soon, we will come."

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