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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the window.

The rays of light filled the room, giving it a warm glow. I sat up slowly and lifted my arms above my head yawning. No sooner than I put my arms down I heard a soft tapping on the door.

"Come in." I answered it.

The door slid open slowly and Carrianne took a tentative step forward. "Hey." She said as she semi awkwardly walked over to the bench at the foot of the bed and sat down.

"Hi." I replied, chewing my lip.

She sat at an angle so that we were able to face each other and she crisscrossed her legs. Her brown hair was pulled on top of her head in a messy bun and her eyes showed signs of the crying she had done last night. It was the first time I'd ever seen her not look entirely perfect. She had on a pink fuzzy robe and she fidgeted with the belt on it in her lap. "I thought we should talk." She said looking down."

I looked down at my own hands in my lap and began to nervously pick at my nails. "Yeah, I guess we should."

Her perky attitude seemed to pick back up a little. "So, I'm not usually at a loss for words, but like right now, I don't even know where we should start."

I laughed a little. "I know what you mean...I guess we need to just try to start over. Let's just put the past behind us, and move forward."

"I think I'd like that." She said gently with a soft smile.

"Me too." I agreed with her. "So, Charles mentioned you painted these." I said pointing out the beautiful works around the room.

She beamed, tilting her head slightly. "Yes, I have always been in love with painting. Daddy still has some of my very first finger paintings up in his office."

"They're really good." I told her. "I always wished I could paint, I just could never get the hang of it. I do draw though." I added. "Mostly sketches and stuff like that. I'm best at people."

"I can't paint people." She said nodding her head. "I'm really the best at landscapes, like these ones. I try to do other things like portraits or still life, but I haven't had too much luck in that department. You should see the ones that some people in my art class can do. There is this guy, I don't remember his name, maybe like Josh or Jeremy, actually, I think it's Carter...Whatever, anyway, he can literally sit you down and paint you insanely perfectly in less than an hour. I'm talking like professional grade too. It's so insane. Too bad he's such a dork. He's is kind of sweet though."

I had to keep my face from giving away the fact that I was thinking of how Garrett has always said he has a hard time getting Carrianne to shut up. She is quite the motor mouth. "That's cool though. I didn't get a chance to sign up for art since the class was full."

"Oh, yeah because you started in the middle of the year." She said to herself. "Well, maybe next year." She smiled looking away. "So..." An awkward silence fell over us again. "Look, this is just really weird. I'm trying really hard to be nice and all, but I mean..."

"I know." I agreed with her. "Trust me, it's weird for me too."

"I bet." She whispered. "You really never knew you had any sort of power?" I shook my head and she leaned back on the bench, propping herself up with her elbows. "I can't even imagine." She told me. "I've been practicing mine for like, ever." A strange look came over her. "Daddy didn't mention how you figured it out." When I didn't answer right away she looked down quickly. "I guess Garret helped you?"

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