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I stared at Wes in disbelief.

"I don't mean to alarm you, it is only a hunch. I could be wrong." He said waving his hand dismissively.

"Are you ever wrong, Wes?"

"Not typically, no."

"Why do you think something is up with him?" I asked.

Wes rolled his chair out from behind his desk and walked across the room tidying things that didn't need it. "You told him of my ability to read people?" He asked and I nodded. "As I thought." He nodded. "I only say something because his thoughts seemed..." He trailed off.

I sighed loudly. "They sound what?"

"It's hard to explain. Like I said before, it is possible that I am wrong. His thoughts just seemed to be very guarded, like he was being careful of what crossed his mind. I've come to notice when people have something to hide, they try very hard to hide those thoughts from me."

"So you're saying you don't think I should trust him?" I asked sadly.

He clicked his tongue a little and avoided my eyes. "I'm only saying you need to be careful. You're instinct is what you should trust, and if it's telling you to trust him, then you need to listen to it. Even Garrett will sometimes try to guard his thoughts from me. Derrek could be simply hiding his thoughts for completely innocent reasons, so don't stress yourself. I just wanted to say something of it." He explained with a warm smile.

"Ok." I mumbled. Thinking of every one of the times I have been with Derrek, not once have I ever been suspicious of him. I still feel like I can trust him. However, I have made the mistake of trusting people that I shouldn't before.

Thoughts of my adoptive parents entered my mind now. I had been doing pretty well at convincing myself that I felt nothing, but the betrayal was beginning to sting more and more as time went by. I really wanted to go home, but I don't have a home now.

"You know you are always welcomed here, dear." Wes told me.

I smiled and thanked him, careful to guard my thoughts now. "I'm going to go get some air." I said as I left the room.

As I passed into the living room I couldn't help laugh at the sight.

Derrek was sprawled out on his back across the small couch. His hair was in a mess around his head and every second breath he took came out in a nasally whistle. I stayed in the doorway for a long while, just watching him. I was feeling pretty certain again that he was trustworthy. Until he gives me a reason to think otherwise, I chose to believe in him.

I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Whoa, sorry." Garrett whispered to me. "Can I talk to you?" He asked pointing towards the other room.

I nodded my head to him and followed him out, leaving Derrek where he slept.

Garrett stopped midway up the hall and turned back to face me. "Actually, let's go sit on the porch."

He led the way to the small front porch. The air was thin and smelled like fresh cut grass. The sun was shining and the birds chirped their little songs all around the small garden that Wes kept in the front of his house. In the distance you could hear the shushing sound of someone's sprinklers pop on. Garrett held my hand and led me out to the little wooden porch swing on the edge of the porch. Garrett let me go and I sat down on the swing, while he leaned against the banister and looked down on me.

A mischievous grin pulled up the corners of his lips. "Nice outfit, by the way." He commented, smirking adorably.

I glanced down at what I was wearing and groaned. "Oh, well, you know I have had a few things on my mind other than my clothes." I was still wearing the soft checkered shorts I wear to sleep in at night and an old Def Leopard concert tee with my converse. "I had just gotten dressed for bed when those people called and told me they had you. I had to leave all my stuff and just bolt. I honestly hadn't even thought about the fact that so many people have seen me wandering around in my PJ's." I laughed.

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