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The next two weeks drug by.

I woke up, went to school, hung out with Derrek or Brittany, went home, finished my homework, go to bed, and repeat. It had become a boring routine that I forced myself to just keep. I avoided Garrett. We still had to sit next to each other in class every morning, but aside from that I never saw him. Not that I was looking for him.

I meant what I had told him. I've been through too much lately to let myself get wrapped up in some unattainable guy, even if he is the sweetest and most adorable guy I've ever known. Part of me would always care about Garrett, even though our friendship had been short lived, it meant a great deal to me. Every morning in class I would sit, just a couple feet from him and I would have to fight an eternal battle with myself not to talk to him, or to even glance his direction. I slipped up at least once every day, letting my eyes stray over to him. Every time it proved to be a mistake. He looked so sad all of the time.

"Cade, where is your mind at right now?" Derrek's kind voice penetrated my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm just not feeling super great today." I lied. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and head on to class." I said mechanically as I scooped up my things from the ground and left my friends sitting in a circle with their lunches.

Things with Derrek have been going well. He's incredibly sweet and funny, and he really does always seem to just get me. He was just the type of person I love to be around. I've spent a lot of time with him over the last couple weeks and things have definitely gotten to be more than friendly. We've kissed a couple of times, but when we are together we are usually just goofing off. Derrek makes me happy even when I'm kind of miserable.

I walked into the girl's bathroom and really wanted to turn around and walk back out. The only reason I didn't was because Natasha actually looked really upset. She was leaning against the counter and holding her head in her hands. When the door closed behind me she sat up quickly and wiped the tears away from her cheeks, which only smeared her usually perfect mascara. I could see that she was embarrassed in the way her cheeks flushed beet red.

"Um, hey, are you alright." I asked slightly awkwardly as I moved closer to her.

"Do I look like I'm alright?"

I put my bag on the counter and leaned against the wall. "No, you don't...What's wrong?"

"Why the hell would you even care?" She snapped, flipping her hair over her shoulder and leaning toward the mirror while she fixed her eye make-up. That's when I saw the angry red mark on the side of her neck.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I asked pointing to the spot. Natasha pulled her hair back around to hide it, her face looked extremely nervous, or even scared. I took a step closer to her and placed my hand on top of hers on the counter. "Who did that to you?" It was a heated question since I already had a theory of who would leave a mark like that on someone.

"Look, it's not a big deal. I've got to get to class."

"It is a big deal, Natasha. Did Carrianne do that to you?"

"How do you..." She looked at me bewildered. "Garrett told you?"

"That isn't really the point." I said changing the subject back away from me. "Why would she do that to you? You guys are friends."

Natasha snorted a laugh. "Carrianne doesn't have friends. Only people who she controls to do her bidding for her."

"Why would you put up with that?" I asked her.

She gave me a look like I was missing something obvious. She pointed to her neck. "Do you really think I have a choice?" She whispered. She looked around the room, even though it was still only us. "Look, Cadence. You really need to stay away from her. Leave Garrett alone, leave me alone, and stay out of her way. The last place you want to be is on her bad side. Like you said, I'm her friend. She did this to me, you don't want to know what she would do to you." The fear in her warning was noticeable.

She started to walk away but I stopped her. "Here." I said digging through my bag until I found my travel size bottle of aloe. "Take this, it'll help."

She stared at it in my hand for a long minute before finally taking it. "Thanks." She said lowly. "I mean it." Then she turned and walked out of the bathroom.

I stood in her wake for a long time. I heard the bell ring, but I just couldn't force myself to leave. What Natasha had said really did chill me to the core. If Carrianne really has no problem with hurting her friends, then I really don't want to find out what she is willing to do to someone who she considers an enemy. As much as distancing myself from Garrett sucks, it is probably in my best interest. I still hate that he is stuck with her. I don't understand why he has to be with someone so awful.

I splashed some cool water on my face and then decided to just skip the rest of the day. I texted Derrek so he would know I didn't need a ride and then walked in a daze to my house. I was almost home when I started to get a strange feeling.

I couldn't put my finger on what it was. It was like my back was tingling, almost like when your hand or foot falls asleep and it feels like ants crawling all over you. I turned to look behind me and I saw a shiny white BMW following slowly behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks. I recognized that car.

The engine stopped and the door swung open. Carrianne got out of her car and walked quickly towards me. Her face was twisted in an almost snarl. Her eyes were narrowed and I couldn't think if I had ever seen someone look so angry before. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I want for you to pack up all of your crap and go back to wherever it is that you came from!" She spat.

"I'd like nothing better, but you know I'm not 18 yet so I am stuck here. Might as well get over it." I replied.

"You think you're really something don't you? You just come into town, the nice new toy. Everyone fawning over you like you're actually special. You're not special."

"You mean I'm not special like you?" I demanded.

Her eyes narrowed even more. "He did tell you, didn't he?" I didn't respond. I just held her gaze. "You know, I am actually happy he did. Now I can do whatever I want to you since I don't have to be worried about exposing myself." She said the last part like it was a joke. She clearly didn't actually care if people knew. A sick and twisted smile came to her face as she stared at me. I felt that strange tingling again on my arm. Carrianne's smile fell. Now she looked like she was concentrating hard. Her facial expression shifted once again, now back to angry. She moved her eyes from me over to the bushes next to us. The one closest to me abruptly burst into flames which from the smile that returned, made her happy. I jumped away from the heat of it. She glared back at me and again looked disappointed. "What the hell?" She shouted and then shot her arm out toward me.

I evaded her hands. "Don't you dare touch me." I warned. Carrianne ignored the warning and grabbed my left shoulder. Out of total reflex I reared back and then connected my fist with her perfect little nose. She stumbled backward eyes wide and blood shooting from both nostrils. "I said don't touch me!" I shouted at her. The look on her face was unreadable. She looked at the burning bush and the flames stopped, then she staggered to her car and sped away.

Once she was out of sight I brought my hand to my shoulder, expecting to start feeling the pain, but there wasn't anything there. I thought for sure she was trying to burn me.

I quick stepped the rest of the way to my house, thankful when I looked next door that Carrianne's car wasn't there.

I can't believe I had just done that. I'm certain by the pounding in my hand that I broke her nose. I really hadn't meant to hit her so hard, it just happened.

I have to admit though, it sure did make me feel good to put the queen witch in her place.

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