| prologue |

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"Why am I feeling so guilty? Why am I holding my breath? I'm worried about everyone but me, and I just keep losing myself."

- Falling, the Civil Wars


Disappointment is fucking everywhere.

And it's waiting for an opportunity to catch you, my dear.

Like a jungle cat hunting for its prey, it's always there, watching. Sniffing out your trail and following your hopeful scent. Waiting for the right opportunity until ---

It attacks.

Now sabered teeth are shredding your golden skin, your metallic blood flowing between its lips like a river, and it's eating you up while you're still alive - before you even got the chance to scream.

And you, you're writhing on the ground, mangled and bloody and beaten, because damn it, you didn't see it coming.

But you wish you had.

For me, disappointment is consist, an eternal pathway of god damned letdowns. I'm accustomed to it.

I'm accustomed to the heartache; and the tears and the confusion and the pain that follows. I'm accustomed to never living up to anyone's expectations. I'm accustomed to being alone. I'm accustomed to everything that hurts me.

Honestly, I'm fucking done with all of it. And I think that all of it, is fucking done with me.

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