Part 3

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The next morning, Drake awakened first. He looked down at the small girl cuddled on his chest while the memories of their night came flooding back to him. She had just given him the most precious part of herself, some would traditionally save for someone they know loves them but she still gave it to him. There was no security, no commitment, and as far as Nicki knew it was a one night stand but she still let him take her as his for the night.

Drake smiled at the thought. How perfectly her body worked against his, the way she wrapped around him creating that sweet friction on their skin, the sweetness of her center, and the melody of her moans as they hit his ear.

To Drake, utter perfection laid in the bed beside him and he took this as an opportunity to again admire the rare beauty she was. Her skin was a sweet caramel color, her eyes perfect dark brown pools that shined, her lips plump and curved into a sexy pout as she slept.

He ran his fingers through the long thick ebony locks and ran his hand softly down her back. Her body was exquisite, every curve, whether it be her perfect breasts or the large ass that he loved.

Drake also remembered those three words she muttered to him when they finished. He knew that she meant what she said, i wasn't just the heat of the moment. Drake just hoped she wouldn't regret telling him that, for feeling that. He couldn't say it back just yet but what he did know was that he saw a future for the both of them.

Drake carefully worked out from under her, and laid her on the mattress before kissing her forehead and walking into the bathroom. He did his morning routine in the bathroom then went into his closet. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He looked over at Nicki who was sleeping peacefully. He kissed her lips then went downstairs to make them breakfast for lunch since it was around noon.

Nicki woke up to the smell of food. She stretched, noting her soreness and sat up on the side

of the bed.

She grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulled it on then ran her fingers through her hair. She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She definitely had that post-sex glow, along with the faint remembrance of passion marks laced her skin. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before heading downstairs.

Nicki wandered about the grandeur home looking for his kitchen almost getting lost in the process since she could could remember the way from the night before, she was a bit preoccupied to pay attention.

His back was to her when she walked in. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back.

He smiled. "Hi." She greeted shyly her voice muffled by the soft cotton of his t- shirt.

"Hey." Drake pulled her to the front of him and Nicki's face was red from blushing. She wouldn't even look at him. He tilted her head to look him in the eyes but she just looked away. He thought it was cute.

"No need to be shy, not after the night we just had." Drake said with a smile and Nicki blushed and her dimples went on display. He kissed her neck succeeding in getting a moan just like he wanted. "Your moans are so sexy."

"I can't help it, it's all new to me." She apologized and he kissed the spot.

"I'm not complaining. Trust me, I'm really not." He picked her up and sat her on the counter. He spread her legs and she hitched them around his waist pulling his body close to hers. Nicki's lips meshed with his and she slid her tongue into his mouth which he happily accepted. "That's how you got yourself in trouble last night." He said in between her kisses.

Nicki smiled. "What are we doing today?"

"I have something casual for you to wear and we're going shopping. Then you're coming to the studio with me to do this track for Wayne and after that I have reservations for us tonight."

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