chapter 10.

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"So about what I found in your bathroom.... What happened ?" um well you see I was pissed off at Harry and I didn't want to talk to anyone. so I had a break down... so I turned to my blades. and now you probably hate me. so go ahead and leave me like everyone else.

"Basically I was upset and had nobody to turn to." that's better than saying what I was gonna say right ?

"but you could have talked to us..." okay he has a point..

"but it wouldn't have been the same.."

"Okay. so why do you cut in the first place ?" yep. he thinks I'm disgusting.

"I'll tell you a riddle and you tell me if you understand it." this riddle is deep. I don't even think it's a riddle... I just don't know what to call it...


"She paints a pretty picture, But the story has a twist, Her paint brush is a razor And her canvas is her wrist, She paint her pretty picture In a color that's blood red, While using her sharp pain brush She ends up finally dead Her pretty pictures fading Quite slowly on her arm, The blood is not facing through her She can no longer do harm, She painted her pretty picture but her picture has a twist, You see her mind was a razor And her heart was her wrist." while I said it I had my head down... when I looked up he was speech less and he had tears in his eyes.

"m-may I see your wrist ?" I pulled my sleeves up and showed him.

"Kaitlin will you promise me to never cut again please ?" um um um. the last time I made this promise I broke it.... but it's Niall so I will promise you.

"yes Niall. I promise I will never cut again." lets see how this goes... "but do you know where Harry is ?"

I should really talk to Harry about this.. he'll probably be pissed and never forgive me... but who knows with Harry... one minute he an be happy with you then the next minute he can be upset with you. his moods are all over the place...

"I think he's still in his room.."

"okay.. I'm gonna go talk to him.."

I walked out of the room to go find Harry... If he's still in his room he's probably still sleeping.. god all that boy does is sleep, I mean I don't blame him he's been on tour a lot and doesn't get a lot of sleep... but he could get up early once and a while.. I walked past the closet where I hear someone in there talking to someone ?!? who hides in a closet to talk to someone ?!? like are you foreal ? I opened the closet to find Louis in there on the phone... um ok.... I just shut the door and walked towards Harry's room.. where I found him on his phone. typical Harry...

"hey Harry can I talk to you ?" this u gonna be bad. I just know it...

"yeah of course. but aren't you mad at me because if the other night ?" yes Harry I was but your going to be mad with me.

"yes. I was. but that night I broke a promise with you. do you know what that promise was ? because once you find out your going to be very mad with me. but I want you to know I didn't know who turn to. I only had Luke. but I did it before I called Luke."

"Kaibear..... you cut didn't you ?"

"yes Harbear... I'm sorry. I didn't want to.. but I did it."

"I'm not mad at you. yes I'm upset. but just promise me you won't do it again please ?"

"yes I promise you Harry. I won't ever cut again."

"Oh come here." He said whilst pulling me into a big hug. we stood there got about 5 minutes. just hugging. this is the moments I miss most with him. I miss having my brother and sister moments with him.

"I love you Kaitlin."

"I love you too Harry."

"You know Kaitlin I think it's time we just have a day full of brother and sister bonding. I miss those days."

"I miss those days too. I wish I could spend the day with you. but I'm filming Pretty Brown Eyes video with Cody. I guess I'm being the girl with pretty brown eyes." I don't even have brown eyes though... I don't know why Cody wants me to do it.

"you don't even have brown eyes though...." um. Did you just read my mind or something.....

"Yeah. I know. But there's brown contacts. well I gotta go. I'll see you when I get back." I said whilst getting up and walking out.

I put on a bat man sweatshirt, with some skinny jeans and vans. I just left my hair down. it's too much work to deal with this long curly hair. I grabbed my iPhone and keys and ran out the door. I don't wanna be late. I'm always late. I eventually arrived R the studio where the video was being shot. I got out the car and started to walk around and look for Cody. I need to figure out what we're doing. because I have absolutely no clue.

"I'm behind you." Explains why I didn't find him....

"I knew that." Psh. No I didn't.

"Yeah okay. So listen tonight there's a party at my house. your welcome to come and bring your friends." Yay. party. fun. The last time I was at a party it went down hill... but hey I haven't gone to one in a while so why not.

"Okay. Just text me your address and we'll be there. Do you want me to bring anything with me ?"

"Nah. I have everything."


5 hours later and the video is done. yes it took us that long. we had to get the video perfect. Right now I'm walking back up to the door of my house.... time to inform the boys about the party and figure out what I'm wearing. oh and I also gotta call Jayde and see if she wants to come to the party too.

*The address is 697 turtle lane.*

Turtle lane........ um wow ok.


And with that I ran upstairs to my wardrobe to get dressed. After and hour of not being able to choose. I eventually chose a short black dress.. Not like super short. like maybe mid thigh. but it was a mid thigh short black dress. It hugged me in all the right places. it didn't show nothing, but just hugged me in all the right places and showed off the curves I hate the most. I also grabbed my pair of black heels and slipped them on. there I'm already to go. I should probably text Jayde and see if she wants to go.

*hey I'm invited to a party tonight wanna come ? Be at my house in five.*

I'm just standing around looking in the mirror when I heard a big crash down stairs... what did the boys do now ?!?

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