Hey, CJ_Apathy

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Seriously non slash you need to step up your game and ask me for an interview ~(o.o if you want to ofcause) because you're getting ass whooped by the awesome slash writers!Lols anyways the next person is CJ_Apathy who writes both so she's double awesome! 

Anywhore, you should check her out AFTER the interview :D

Right, um, who are you?

I'm CJ_Apathy.  

Nice and blunt, just the way I like it. What’s with the name anyway?

C and J are my first and second initials. Apathy is my favorite word.

I have no idea what apathy means but it sounds pretty epic! How did you meet Santa Clause? Never did :<

Aww bless you, you’re missing out BIG TIME! In other news, do you care to tell me how that thing got into the bathroom?


. I should have seen that coming…. What’s the best book you have ever read?

Pretties by Scott Girlbomb by Janice Earlbaum.

Erm because that’s not confusing… What food in your opinion deserves death?


Erm, yes…Never mind, moving on. Which music genre in your opinion doesn’t deserve existence?

Real Screamo.

I definitely agree (don’t kill me scremo lovers!) How many fingers am I holding, CJ?

One. Nay! It was three :D. What has been your biggest hair regret? 

Cutting bangs straight across my face when my hair was only shoulder-length.

In my head it looks nice but I guess it wasn’t. What’s the best thing you have in your wardrobe?

1 dollar skinny jeanss from a second hand store :)

Really? Why does everyone find awesome things at charity shops when I find nothing but crap? FML! Anywhore, if you could have any animal in the world, dead or alive, as a pet what would you choose?

Goliath Frog. Favorite animal.

No idea what that is but cool… What do you want to be when you grow up?

A writer :b or an artist.

Why does everyone want to be a writer? What’s the one thing you wish had never existed?


True say. Where in the world would you want to live and why?

Colorado because it's still close to my home state, it's beautiful, it's liberal, and it has great weather...or Alaska because I like it :D

Fair enough. Right, I’m going to throw a load of popcorn at you. How many do you think you would be able to catch in your mouth?

All ten!

Who said I was throwing 10?

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