Hey, Rhino3300

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Hi guys, I know I've been away (from blunders) for a while. I've missed this :D. Lol anywhore, the next person up for interviews is a friend of mine from school. He's called Joe and he's gay. So yes, I finaly have a gay friend. Anywhore, he's a very talented writer (boyxboy) and you should go check out his story Pregnancy Pads.... NOW! (Okay, maybe not now but definitely after the interview. You won't regret it).

Hey, how’s it going? Cool, cool. Erm this is awkward but do you mind reminding me who you are?

My real name is Joe Thomas, I'm a young LGBT teen and dedicated gay rights activist

 Riteous! I‘m all for it :D What's with the name?

Rhino3300 comes from a childhood nickname...

It's a long story

Hmm I want to know now! How did you meet Santa Clause?

When he brought me a bike which i didn't want and would not touch, but he ran away before i could slap him.

Dang that Santa! He does the same thing to me every year. Maybe it’s because I’m always so dang naughty ;) How did the squirrel get into your bathroom?

He's called Berty and how many squirrels do you know with abs?

Three. How did you meet my mother?

I never did!

 Yes you did! I’m sure of it. How did the rabbit get into your bathroom?

He's called James and he really is a rabbit.

Aww cute. Your bathroom must love welcoming animals! If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

London, because of the West end musicals and random truck drivers shouting homophobic comments to argue with! :D

Hehe. I love London but in the summer it stinks! How many fingers am I holding up?

I'm gunna say...


Le gasp! You my good man are a psychic. Worst hair decision

None. My hair is awesome and will rule you all one day.

I agree. What is the best thing in your wardrobe?

A turquoise T-shirt which reads 'This is what awesome looks like!'

Haha. Where do people get those cool word tees? Mine are always plain or have people’s heads on them o_O If you could have any animal (dead or alive) as a pet what would you chose and why?

A Dodo, they're tame, cute and nest on the ground so i can save myself the trouble of having to put the eggs on the floor to play eggy-golf with.

Hehe, you said dodo… What was/ is the best story you have ever read?

Jane Lynch's Autobiography: 'Happy Accidents'

Sounds.. happy? What food, in your opinion, deserves death?

Every single food that has ever appeared on the Tv-show 'Man vs. food' those foods don't just deserve death, they are death!

I’ve never seen the show so I’ll take your word for it. Which music genre, in your opinion, doesn’t deserve existence?

The Heavy metal stuff that just depresses everyone on the bus and makes you unpopular

I know right. It’s so ewie! If I was throwing popcorn at you, how many do you think you would catch with your mouth?

All of them, popcorn is one of my many culinary weaknesses :D

 Lol. I love popcorn. NOM! What do you want to be when you grow up?

A lawyer, i love sticking up for people and arguing the toss

There you have it folks; Joe is awesome! Now go and Read it!

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